Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Reflection on the Lectionary: Mark 6:30-34
(July 19, 2009)
The passage relates, “The apostles returned to Jesus, and told him all
that they had done and taught. And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves
to a lonely place, and rest a while.”
Jesus recognized that discipleship requires caring for our own physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs; otherwise we risk “burn out,” which would
make us unable to muster the energy to continue our work. How can we
recuperate? Among numerous possible strategies, many people find that
various forms of meditation help clear and calm the mind. Meditation can
involve physical relaxation, and sometimes people meditate while engaging in
relatively mindless tasks, such as gardening, knitting, or yoga. In
particular, I recommend exercise, which is also good for the body.
Some forms of meditation help clear thoughts from the mind and can be quite
invigorating. I also find it helpful to relax and then to contemplate those
things that, in my busier, more agitated everyday existence, cause me stress
or anxiety. In a relaxed state, I can address those concerns with a
detachment that helps put things in perspective and helps me understand
where those stressors come from, why I find them burdensome, and how I
contribute to my own suffering.
Another effective strategy is to seek the company of like-minded people who
share our concerns for animals and our recognition that a plant-based diet
is a crucial component of good stewardship of God’s creation. Such
fellowship is important, because we live among people who, struggling to
resolve their own conflicting needs, desires, and fears, often say and do
hurtful things. Indeed, I think that many people manifest hardness of heart
when it comes to animal issues because they have been wounded by the trials
and tribulations of life. Whatever the reason, their hardness of heart can
demoralize those of us who care about animals. Therefore, however we do it,
we must attend to our emotional and spiritual wounds if we are to be
lifelong healers in a wounded world.
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the Lectionary: 2 Samuel 11:1-15
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