Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Should We Attend Meat-Eating Churches?
For those of us who regard factory farming as fundamentally sinful and
the act of harming any innocent individual as wrong, it is a real dilemma
whether to contribute our time, energy, and money to church communities that
endorse consuming animal products. In general, our choice of a church
community reflects, among other things, our values and our religious
convictions. I will offer some reasons against and for belonging to a church
community that promotes consuming animal products.
Some of the arguments against are quite obvious. We have limited time,
energy, and financial resources. Why dedicate a significant portion of
resources to institutions that participate in and even promote profoundly
cruelty to living, feeling beings? We might be disinclined to judge those
who “know not what they do,” but facts about the evils of factory farming
are readily available to anyone with access to the Internet. Further, the
animal protection movement is widespread and vocal, and it takes a
determined effort for people to remain ignorant.
Though many of us believe that the arguments for a plant-based diet are
overwhelming, it is possible for people of good faith to disagree. However,
I think it is difficult to countenance a church community that refuses to
discuss animal and/or dietary issues. An essential component of following
Christ is an honest and thorough exploration of how our actions impact other
Are there good reasons to consider joining or remaining with an
animal-unfriendly church? I think so. For one thing, we all need community,
and a church community can be a source of emotional and spiritual support,
even if we disagree with most church members when it comes to animal issues.
The spiritual journey is often a difficult one, particularly for people
struggling with physical or emotional issues, and faith communities can
provide support when people feel that God has abandoned them.
We can learn and grow in many ways from omnivorous Christians, and we can
also offer our own witness to encourage our faith communities to move toward
more animal-friendly living. Often, this must be done carefully, and it
should always be done respectfully, but with persistence we can make a
difference, as long as the church leadership doesn’t stand in the way. Such
discipleship might not make us very popular. Our opinions might even become
the subjects of ridicule, but Jesus wasn’t out to win any popularity
contests, either.
Next essay, I will begin an exploration of the nature of faith, starting
with the faith of Paul.
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