Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
What Might a Distinctly Christian Faith Look Like? part 1
Joseph Campbell’s book The Hero with a Thousand Faces discusses the
structure of universal myths about heroes found in religions throughout the
world. Characteristically, the hero leaves the community, goes into the
wilderness, overcomes great obstacles, and then returns to the community
with new wisdom. Often, heroes go on to perform miracles and to have their
divinity confirmed by being resurrected (in some form) after dying. The
biblical story of Jesus’ 40 days in the dessert accords with the classic
hero story.
In addition to great wisdom, religious heroes often display great
compassion, and their teachings typically involve some variation of the
Golden Rule. Contrary to what might be inferred from laissez-faire
capitalism, the Golden Rule is not “The one with the gold rules.” Rather, as
Katherine Perlo notes in her excellent book Kinship and Killing, doing to
others as you would like others to do to you, is a common theme among
religions. Similar to other religious leaders, Jesus taught this message,
and also similar to other religious leaders he maintained that the way to
salvation was to believe certain tenets about God and to abide by certain
religious codes of action.
These aspects of Jesus’ story and teachings have inspired many people, but
they are not particularly distinctive compared to the stories and teachings
of other religions. This is an observation – not a criticism or an
endorsement of Christianity. Whether or not a particular religion has
distinctive features does not indicate whether or not that religion has
truth or merit. Yet, in the common quest to identify ways in which one
religion is better than others, people often seek to identify ways in which
their religion is distinctive and, by implication, better. In my opinion,
one of the principle ways that Christianity is admirable, and possibly quite
distinctive, is its rejection of scapegoating.
Next essay, I will turn to how Christianity rejects scapegoating and why
this is important.
Go on to: What Might a
Distinctly Christian Faith Look Like? part 2: Rejection of Scapegoating
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