Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
How Are We Created in God’s Image? part 3
The Bible relates that humans were made in the image of God, but the
Bible does not spell out exactly what that means. Immediately after creating
Adam and Eve, the Bible states that they will have “dominion” over all
nonhuman beings. Since God then prescribes a vegan diet for Adam, Eve, and
the rest of creation, it is unreasonable to take the popular, self-serving
position that “dominion” is meant to convey ruthless tyranny over all
Rather, Genesis 2 relates that Adam’s task is to “till and keep” the Garden
of Eden. I think this helps us understand what being created in God’s image
entails. Humanity, with its remarkable skills, is well-positioned to be a
good steward of what God has created. Indeed, humans are distinctive in
their own creativity, which provides the capacity for both resolving
problems justly and nonviolently or for creating problems. Indeed, just as
God was free to destroy the world with the Flood, humanity’s free will gives
us a choice to be healers or destroyers.
I don’t see being created in God’s image makes humans “better” than other
living beings, and it certainly doesn’t make us entitled to special
privileges at the expense of others. Instead, I see it as an awesome
responsibility that has the potential to give our lives direction and
meaning, and also the potential to make us very effective evildoers. How we
use our God-given gifts, I think, defines who we are as Christians much more
than any verbal statements of faith or practices of rituals.
Go on to: Book Review: This Is Hope: Green Vegans and the New Human Ecology, part 1
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