Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Faith and Human Psychological Needs
Last essay, I suggested that a faith that affirms our importance might
reduce the psychological need to feel superior to and dominate others. I
think Christianity offers such a faith, because it teaches that everything
that God created, including ourselves, is good. It seems to me that
Christians who genuinely believe this would be much less inclined to harm
humans and nonhumans. They would be ready, willing, and even eager to
practice the love that Jesus taught and exemplified. Why have so few
Christians done this?
I suspect that, at some level of consciousness, many people fear that faith
in God’s concern for us might be misguided. This would lead, among other
things, to a deep concern that, when we die, God will not rescue us from
everlasting nonexistence. Though many people articulate strong faith in
heaven or some other kind of afterlife, there is little, if any, solid
supportive evidence. Perhaps the reason “Heaven Is for Real” is a bestseller
is that it helps address unsettling doubt in the minds of people. After all,
I would not expect a book called The Sun Will Rise in the East Tomorrow to
top the charts.
Another barrier to universal love reflects our predicament as human
creatures. There will always be competition among us for attractive mates.
Whatever the standard of “attractive” might be, it is by definition a scarce
resource, and there will always be winners and losers. This leads to anger
and resentment, which will always be a source of friction in communities.
Perhaps this is one reason we need faith communities. Those communities that
welcome everyone (and, sadly, many do not) help restore a sense of worth
among the “losers” in unavoidable competitions. I will reflect further on
faith communities shortly. In the meantime, I’m working on a short book
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