Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Harming Animals Harms Humans, part 1: Health
There are many ways that humanity’s massive, institutionalized assault on
nonhumans haunts humanity itself. One way, well-documented by the medical
literature, is in terms of human health. Though animal agribusiness
interests have rather effectively used their vast resources to convince the
public that meat, dairy, and eggs is essential for good health, there is
overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Studies of meat-eating, vegetarian, and vegan Seventh Day Adventists have
shown that a plant-based diet confers substantial health benefits. Other
studies, such as the China Project, have demonstrated that a plant-based
diet is important in prevented many of the chronic diseases that plague the
over-nourished West, such as coronary artery disease, stroke, and many
common cancers.
There is strong anatomic evidence that humans are designed much more like
plant-eating animals than meat-eating animals. The theory that humans
evolved to hunt has been effectively countered by the book Man the Hunted,
which argues that there is good evidence (though by no means proof) that
humans evolved their distinctive mental and physical properties to avoid
being eaten.
Whether or not humans are designed to be vegan, we are certainly poorly
adapted to the typical Western diet, which is heavily laden with animal
products. Fortunately, today we have many plant-based foods and nutrients
that meet all our nutritional needs, including vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty
acids. No matter what we do, we are mortal creatures, but we can make early
disability and death a remote possibility if simply choose a diet more
closely aligned with what our bodies were created to consume.
Some references:
Go on to: Harming Animals Harms Humans, part 2: Hunger
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