Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
John 3:16, “Eternal Life,” part 2
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever
believe in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
Prior essays have been pointing to the question: How can the Realm of God be
tantamount to “eternal life”? Jesus repeatedly described the Realm of God
(often translated as Kingdom of God) with parables, which I think reflected
the difficulty of articulating this state with ordinary language.
The problem with language is that it is inherently dualistic. Words have
meaning by virtue of what they do and do not describe. For example, the
meaning of “chair” is determined not only by its distinctive physical
features and functions but also how it differs from other things, including
other kinds of furniture. One of the most crucial distinctions is between
our own sense of self and that of other people. We experience our own lives,
and we do not experience the lives of anyone else. This fundamental divide
between ourselves and others underlies fears of mortality, because, from our
own perspective, our death is tantamount to the end of everything.
That being said, we do care about what will be the state of the world after
we die. On the one hand, this concern reflects how we feel concerned for the
future wellbeing of other individuals. On the other hand, it also involves
imagining ourselves viewing this world after our death, and there is little
credible evidence that this is going to happen.
As mortal creatures who (like all creatures) fear death, we seek a sense of
immortality. However, our science indicates that death signals the complete
end of our existence. I think Jesus offered a solution to this human
predicament by focusing on “eternal life,” which is bound by neither time
nor space. If we have a sense of connection to others, then we become part
of a timeless string of life. How might we gain such a sense of connection
to others? I’ll explore this next essay.
Go on to: John 3:16 “Eternal Life,” part 3
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