Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Reflections on Genesis 18
Will God intervene in world affairs and spare humanity from the
consequences of humanity’s selfish, destructive behavior? I am skeptical
that God violates the laws of nature, for at least two reasons. First,
experience tells me that the laws of nature seem to be followed regularly,
regardless of the consequences for individual humans and animals. Jesus said
that God “makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain
on the just and on the unjust” Matthew 5:45. When planes crash, we do not
find corpses of evil people while righteous people walk away unscathed.
Second, I would not praise God if God had the power to prevent the torture
and murder of innocent individuals yet chose not to intervene. Such a God
would strike me as a monster unworthy of respect. Yet, I do believe that God
does intervene in world affairs, and I think God’s humans and nonhuman
beings are the vehicles. I come to this conclusion by noting that
consciousness is not, as best we can tell, a product of physical forces,
which suggests that consciousness derives from a divine force. I believe
that all conscious beings (human and nonhuman) have a spark of the divine,
and this gives us the potential to be vehicles of divine action in the
This leads me to reflect on Genesis 18, in which Abraham asks God if Sodom
will be destroyed if there are 50 righteous men among the wicked people of
the city. God says that the city would be spared. Abraham keeps lowering the
number until it reaches 10, and God says that God will spare the city if
there are only 10 people. God then leaves Abraham, and the reader does not
learn the smallest number of people needed to spare Sodom.
Recalling last week’s discussion about how violence and injustice are
ultimately self-destructive, I think that the lesson here is that, if there
are enough righteous people, they can change the ways of the wicked and
spare the city from self-destruction. What if there are less than ten
righteous people? What if there is only one? I think it is important that we
not have the answer – there is always a possibility, however remote, that
one righteous person can start a change that will ultimately spare the city.
One might wonder who is righteous, since Paul said, “None is righteous, no,
not one” Romans 3:10 and “all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of
God” Romans 3:23? I think we all have the capacity for righteousness and
evil, and none of us is purely one or the other. Perhaps none of us can
count as one full person in the quest to bring righteousness to a world
filled with evil, but we are called to our best. This, I think, is what
faithful living is about.
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Be Spared?
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