In Defense of Animals
August 2014
The first-ever legislation (S-2012) to prohibit the import and in-state trade and sale of both ivory and rhino horns.
On August 5, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie turned the tide for elephants and rhinos by signing the first-ever legislation (S-2012) to prohibit the import and in-state trade and sale of both ivory and rhino horns.
This landmark legislation addresses New Jersey's contribution to the global elephant ivory and rhino horn trade that is driving the brutal and merciless slaughter of these wild animals for greed and profit. It closes loopholes in existing legislation while providing for exemptions for the possession and transfer of ivory products when they are used for legitimate law enforcement or educational purposes.
Bravo to Governor Christie for his leadership and for doing the right thing to help elephants and rhinos, and to the legislators who sponsored this crucial bill.
Also, a huge thank you to IDA supporters who helped get this done by responding to our alert by sending letters and calling the governor’s office!
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