The Supreme Court of India rules against animal abuse: Bans Jallikattu and Bullock cart racing
An Animal Rights Article from


The Voice of Stray Dogs
May 2014

They are reported to have urged that animal abuse be dealt with very strongly and punitively. In fact, they are reported to have gone so far as to hold that all life is at par, and that the Constitution of India should provide for constitutional rights of non-human animals just as it provides for constitutional rights of humans.

There has been a battle raging for many years between the horribly abused Jallikattu bulls and the bullocks used for cart racing, and those that were using them ostensibly for “sport” and to “perpetuate tradition” and “showcase rich cultural heritage”. Finally the bulls and the bullocks have won!

In a landmark, historic judgment passed at 10.30 a.m. today (7th May), in petitions and appeals pending before it since the year 2007 and onwards, a bench of the Apex Court of India comprising of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Radhakrishnan and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Pinaki Ghosh, is reported to have unequivocally ruled in favour of the Bulls, the Bullocks, and their supporters ; and ruled against the Others.

Suffice it to say at this stage, that not just the bulls and bullocks, but all animals, have recorded a significant win with this judgment.

The Notification issued by the Central Government on 7th July, 2011, banning the use of bulls (and bullocks) in performances, is reported to have been upheld. What is shocking is that the Ministry of Environment and Forests had tried to “backtrack”. Vide an affidavit filed before the Supreme Court at fag end, in March, 2014, they had stated that they were of the view that ‘jallikattu bulls’ should be exempted from the rigor of their own notification. That the Hon’ble bench was outraged, and the flavour of the judgment that has been passed, can be seen in this news report in the Indian Express titled ‘Bulls can’t vote, so you put them to danger: SC’

Relevant excerpts from the news report reads :

The Supreme Court is reported to have dealt at length on the import of Section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, which reads as under :

3. Duties of persons having charge of animals : It shall be the duty of every person having the care or charge of any animal to take all reasonable measures to ensure the well-being of such animal and to prevent the infliction upon such animal of unnecessary pain or suffering.

In the judgement given today the rights of non-humans, and the constitutional obligations and duties of humans under Articles 51 A(g) and 51 A(h), are reported to have been dealt with at length. The Hon’ble Judges are reported to have directed the Central Government to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and bring it at par with the times. They are reported to have urged that animal abuse be dealt with very strongly and punitively. In fact, they are reported to have gone so far as to hold that all life is at par, and that the Constitution of India should provide for constitutional rights of non-human animals just as it provides for constitutional rights of humans.

Many an animal rights crusader, not just in India but all over the world, will surely derive huge support from the judgment that is reported to have been passed, in his or her fight for animals.”

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