Jessica Marshall,
November 2009
Why should we care about the fuzzy little flyers? Somewhere between 20 and 25 percent of all mammalian species in the U.S. are bats.
It won't be long before millions of bats settle into caves and mines
across the country to hibernate. But the sad truth is that many in the East
will never see the warmth of spring.
More than a million bats have died so far from white-nose syndrome, a
still-mysterious bat killer that has spread throughout the Northeast and
into Virginia and West Virginia, since it was first detected in New York in
Experts will be waiting to see how far the syndrome advances this winter.
They fear it may make it into Kentucky and Indiana, where most endangered
Indiana bats live in fewer than 10 caves or mines.
Why should we care about the fuzzy little flyers? Somewhere between 20 and
25 percent of all mammalian species in the U.S. are bats, according to Hazel
Barton of the University of Northern Kentucky in Highland Heights.
The average bat eats 600 insects a night. With more than a million bat
deaths last winter, 693 tons more insects buzzed and fluttered around the
white-nose syndrome's range this summer, including moths that act as crop
pests and mosquitoes that can carry West Nile Virus.
"If we lose the bat population in North America," Barton said. "Everyone
will notice."
The outbreak recently prompted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to award
$800,000 in grants to explore the cause and control of the rampant disease.
Exactly how the bats die is not yet certain, but it appears that a
cold-and-damp-loving fungus infects the bats' noses and wings while they
hibernate, dusting their muzzles and wings powdery white.
"The bats are almost at the ambient temperature of the cave. Their immune
response is almost nonexistent," said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
biologist Jeremy Coleman, who heads the agency's white-nose syndrome
programs. "They're like sitting ducks."
Bats normally waken from hibernation anywhere from every week to every few
weeks, depending on the species and conditions. They heat themselves back up
to normal temperature, groom themselves, fly around and then settle back
into hibernation.
Researchers do not know why the bats do this. They may need water, or to
shed waste. One idea is that they fire up their immune systems during their
arousal period to scan for threats.
Although these arousals only happen a few times during the winter, they take
a lot of energy -- perhaps more than 80 percent of the bats' fat stores.
Infected bats have more frequent arousals -- as often as every few days. "We
don't know why they are aroused more frequently -- if it's itching or
agitation or if it is something they're detecting," Coleman said.
These extra arousals may cause the bats to exhaust their fat stores far too
"Bats are leaving the sites in the middle of winter," Coleman said. "Are
bats starving and going out looking for food? That's what most people are
saying. There is some evidence that these bats aren't actually starving when
they go out on the landscape. Maybe they are agitated and have recognized
that there is a problem with the site. Maybe they're looking for somewhere
else to go."
Other unknowns include when and how the disease spreads from cave to cave
and bat to bat. It may be that the bats transfer it to new caves when they
swarm together in fall. They may also transfer it during the summer, but the
fungus is intolerant of warm temperatures, so that is less likely, Coleman
Some bats survive the infection, perhaps because they were infected late in
winter and therefore had the reserves to make it to spring. But many of
these die in spring from an inability to forage successfully for food
because the fungus has damaged their wings.
The sweeping lethality of the disease over just four winters makes
extinction a real risk.
To protect against this possibility, the National Zoo will establish a
captive population of Virginian big-eared bats, an endangered subspecies of
big-eared bat, as a security population.
Few places have kept insectivorous bats in captivity, so the work will be a
challenge, said Nucharin Songsasen, who is heading the project at the Zoo's
Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Virginia. "But if we don't
do anything there is a chance that this species will go extinct within a
couple of years," she added.
In Vermont, researchers are reintroducing bats into caves whose bat
populations were wiped out by the syndrome to see how long the fungus
persists and whether caves can be successfully re-colonized.
Meanwhile, Barton, of the University of Northern Kentucky, is testing a
plant-based antifungal compound to see if it can be used to kill the
white-nose fungus in caves and on bats without wiping out the critical
fungal communities that form the foundation of cave ecosystems.
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