Gentle Barn Sanctuary
June 2010
The Gentle Barn had the honor of receiving an Assembly Resolution from Assemblyman Cameron Smyth, June 25, 2010, at The Gentle Barn.
Here are the details from Mr. Smyth's press release:
On Friday, June 25, Assemblyman Cameron Smyth will be presenting an Assembly Resolution to The Gentle Barn Foundation in recognition of its contributions to the community over the last decade.
Founded in 1999, The Gentle Barn has been a safe haven to hundreds of rescued animals, and currently houses 120 rescued farm animals. Over 100,000 people have visited The Gentle Barn, including children from the inner city, group homes, mental health facilities, foster homes, and schools.
The Gentle Barn Foundation has recently been the focus of a number of news stories, and has been featured on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show, for its efforts to save 60 malnourished cows that were rescued from a local dairy farm. As part of that rescue effort, The Gentle Barn Foundation is raising money to build two new barns in order to house the rescued cows.
Assemblyman Smyth, along with other members of the California Animal Protection Caucus, presented the Assembly Resolution at The Gentle Barn.