Miriam, VINE Sanctuary
April 2013
Humans who are unwilling to give up eating animals and their products find comfort in either purchasing “humanely raised” flesh or else “raising” their own; in this way they assuage their guilt and get to go about business as usual when it comes to what they put in their mouths.
Lest anyone forget that profit is the bottom line for all providers of animal flesh and other “products,” check out this website sent to us from a fellow activist with the NH Animal Rights League: BuyingPoultry.com
Just like Victory Chicken, about whom we blogged and sent out an action alert several months ago, these people put a pretty false front on their desire to capitalize on the happy meat, eggs, and milk phenomenon known euphemistically as “humane farming.” Humans who are unwilling to give up eating animals and their products find comfort in either purchasing “humanely raised” flesh or else “raising” their own; in this way they assuage their guilt and get to go about business as usual when it comes to what they put in their mouths.
But of course there is nothing humane about exploitation or murder, just as there is nothing humane about force-breeding chickens for animal agriculture, selling living beings, and educating people on how best to exploit and/or murder those same living beings. This is all about money, folks — money made on the backs of other animals.
So please, write to places like this BuyingPoultry.com and let them know that you are not duped by their sales pitch.
“Farming” animals is wrong no matter how it’s dolled up. Let them know you choose a plant-based diet instead, and will urge everyone you know to do the same.
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