Pratha Sharma
November 2016
Every now and then we hear of relating cow protection to religion, but the truth remains that it is the culture of this land and root of this soil that grants protection to cows and prohibits their slaughter. Irrespective of one’s religion, it is the responsibility of all inhabitants of this land of India to protect and respect cow and their progeny.
Modern day India empathizes with the utter dismal and pathetic conditions of cow, calves and bulls. The ancient Indian culture that was restricted to Hinduism revered the cows that marked the basis of milk, agriculture and the foundation of a home.
Repeated attacks by foreign powers brought with them multicultural environment and lead to the decadence of the cattle protection and status in this country.
Every now and then we hear of relating cow protection to religion, but the truth remains that it is the culture of this land and root of this soil that grants protection to cows and prohibits their slaughter. Irrespective of one’s religion, it is the responsibility of all inhabitants of this land of India to protect and respect cow and it’s progeny. Various instances have come forward in the past of muslims taking care of blind cows in temple goshalas in Haryana, muslims stopping cow slaughter in Gujarat. Religion is just an excuse beef eaters and traders are using to promote cow slaughter.
No other nation has the sensitivity in cows that the land of India possesses. However dismal is the condition of the poor cows, their ill fate that each time their protection is related to the religious issues and no one comes forward to creating a revolutionary landmark effort in cattle protection in this country.
In Delhi, we see that these cows and calves are on the streets, and while the owners take out the milk regularly, the male calf is not fed mother’s milk even for a few days, is separated from the mother, left on the streets all alone, be it heavy rainfall, extreme heat, or harsh winter conditions, or better still the rash traffic and trucks. Then these so called dairy owners wait for the calf to die or pick him up for hide, meat and skin. There is no check on what dairy owners do with the calves and the cow and no restrictions and punishments are there for them.
The pregnant cows and newborn are also left to search for food in the filthiest of the garbage bins for food in the harshest of the weather conditions, and many eventually pick up infections and die a horrific death (eating plastic bags etc. for instance).
No-one is there to look after them, and no veterinary doctor is available and ready to come and treat the street cows and bulls without money. On various occasions, even if someone is willingly ready to give money, they shall not come at all.
The bulls in this city fare no better, and lie wounded and uncared for on the streets if some passing-by vehicle fractures their limbs.
In the Delhi Government’s effort to get the cows off streets to show their false pomp to foreign nationals before the Commonwealth and in the year 2005, the local bulls were cruelly and pitifully dragged and put on trucks breaking their horns, and in various events when they refused to move on to the trucks the head of the bull was torn off while trying to force him on to the lorry.
It is the duty and responsibility of the Government to provide shelter for the calves, cows and bulls of Delhi where these stray animals can stay and have their natural life in peace, healthy surroundings without the fear of butchering, relentless cattle-owners and the traffic.
However, presently in 2016 when a grievance was filed with the Delhi Government for the poor condition in Delhi Government goshalas with no food, water, sanitary conditions and no veterinary doctors available, the grievance was outrightly disposed off with no reply or reason whatsoever.
A similar complaint to the terrible condition of cows on the streets and goshalas and local cattle owners the Government of India is replied with that it is not their call but the state government.
Hence no one is ready to take up their responsibility but all come in to involve minorities and religion in the name of promoting cow slaughter in this country.
The consequences of treacherous and barbaric treatment meted to the cattle of this country is evident in the development of chaotic climatic changes, diseases that emanate from the use of pesticides in agricultural products due to non availability of cow dung manure, synthetic milk and products on a widespread scale. Majority of problems relating to lack of agricultural produce, milk scarcity, drought and climatic changes, diseases of heart, strokes, cancer shall be alleviated the moment cattle of this country are treated with care and respect.
The restoration of the glory of cow and it’s progeny shall bring India back to the status that the country enjoyed once upon a time.
New Delhi, November 2016
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