David Soul joins other actors to raise awareness of dog meat trade
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


[Also see Help Shut Down the Illegal Dog Meat Trade in Thailand]

From DavidSoul.com
January 2015

dog meat

David Soul will join actors Peter Egan and Dame Judi Dench (among others) on a one-hour Briefing Session for Members of Parliament - as well as television and print media - at the Palace of Westminster in London on January 28 to raise awarness about the dog meat trade and how they can help stop the cruelty.

If you live in England you can help David's efforts - and help save dogs - by encouraging your local MP to attend the briefing (visit They Work For You to find out who your MP is and how to contact them). The more MPs who attend the briefing, the more press will cover the event.

Watch David Soul and the Plight of Asia's Dogs on YouTube.

David lent his voice to end the dog meat trade by encouraging people to educate themselves about the issue and then to sign petitions, donate to activists on the frontlines of the cause, and to spread the word about this barbaric practice. To learn more about David's effots, visit David's Action Page.

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