Free From Harm
April 2011
[NOTE: VICTORY August 2, 2011: Read Texas Calf Farm Owner Receives Probation, Fine for Cruelty to Animals Following MFA Investigation.]
[NOTE: Really...Got milk? If you eat diary products (milk, half 'n half, cream, ice cream, ice milk, yogurt, cheese slices, cheese topping, whipped cream, sour cream] you are supporting businesses that rape cows to produce calves who are never allowed to drink their mothers' milk. That "milk" is used to produce profits for the diary industries. Please read and revel in a story about Dylan - A Dairy Calf...]
[Read Rescued Farm Animals Provide Stories of Hope and Healing for Abused Children]
Hidden camera photos taken of dairy farm worker beating baby calves to
death with a hammer, while others are left to suffer and die of neglect.
Bringing them to auction would be costlier since the price paid at auction by veal farmers may not be enough to cover the expense. So what’s a poor dairy farmer to do? Kill them humanely? Not a chance. Claw hammer? Pick axe?
A dairy farm with a herd of 10,000 cows produces a lot of milk—and a lot of baby male calves—which are a liability rather than an asset to them. The cheapest and quickest thing to do is to get rid of them.
Bringing them to auction would be costlier since the price paid at auction by veal farmers may not be enough to cover the expense. So what’s a poor dairy farmer to do? Kill them humanely? Not a chance.
In this new hidden camera investigation by Chicago-based Mercy for Animals filmed over the course of two weeks at a Texas mega dairy, the method of killing calves is the most barbaric methods possible, causing the greatest suffering. The senseless carnage of this situation defies any logic, any semblance of how a “civil” society would treat defenseless baby calves. MFA is urging Texas authorities to prosecute workers and owners on criminal animal cruelty charges.
We can all make a difference by NOT supporting the dairy industry with our purchases. Finding alternatives is easy, inexpensive and better for our health and the environment.
We can also go a step further by supporting MFA’s courageous efforts. Sign up for their alerts and take action when called upon to urge officials to bring legal action against E6 Cattle farm in this case and stronger legal protections for farmed animals in general which are sorely lacking today throughout the U.S.
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