Death on Display at Grocery Stores
An Animal Rights Article from


Editorial Rochester NY Democrat and Chronicle
October 19, 2010

I am sick to death of grocery stores' discrimination against vegetarians. I do not believe in the premeditated murder of any creature, and these grocery stores are shoving violence right in my face. When I have to walk past a tank full of lobsters waiting to be boiled and then see whole dead fish on ice, live clams stuffed in bags, and view shelves packed full of bloody raw carcasses, chickens and turkeys just to grab a loaf of bread, that is a violation of my civil rights as well as other vegetarians.

If grocery stores can have a "no candy" checkout line for persons with children, as well as stock aisles full of many different ethnic foods, then why not extend the same courtesy to vegetarians?

I should not have to get upset every time I go grocery shopping and

I am sure I speak for many other vegetarians.


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