IDA In Defense of
September 2018
The study continues a long and frustrating tradition of attempting to gauge dolphin “happiness” in captivity – obscuring the reality that there is never a good reason to keep dolphins captive, be it for research, entertainment, or human “therapy” benefit.... We argue that the results are based on flawed assumptions – the biggest one being that dolphins can be happy in captivity in the first place.
A scientific study attempting to measure the “happiness” of imprisoned
dolphins was recently released with findings that will sadden anyone who
knows or cares about dolphins.
Published in the journal, Applied Animal Behavior Science, the study
continues a long and frustrating tradition of attempting to gauge dolphin
“happiness” in captivity – obscuring the reality that there is never a good
reason to keep dolphins captive, be it for research, entertainment, or human
“therapy” benefit.
The study set out to discover which activities captive dolphins at Parc
Astérix in France are most “enthusiastic” about. Dolphins are extremely
limited in the activities they may engage in within the confines of largely
barren concrete tanks compared with the vibrant and complex life they enjoy
in the world.
We argue that the results are based on flawed assumptions – the biggest one
being that dolphins can be happy in captivity in the first place.
Of their limited captive activities, researchers compared three: dolphins
interacting with human trainers; interacting with toys; or with one another.
The study claims that dolphins "look forward the most” to interactions with
familiar humans. The researchers seem to ignore the most likely explanation
for this result: captive dolphins are denied the choice of when, or how
much, to eat, since its always humans who toss them dead fish. It is often
common practice at many aquariums to use hunger to compel dolphins to
continue performing tricks on a daily basis. It could therefore be possible
that these dolphins are acting “enthusiastic” toward humans because they are
chronically hungry.
Wild marine animal researcher Dr. Susanne Schultz also called the findings
into question, and stated to the BBC, “Just because a dolphin interacts with
you doesn't mean that [they] would choose that lifestyle if [they were]
given a choice."
Denying freedom of choice to dolphins is at the core of the issue of keeping
these highly intelligent animals captive, since it forms the basis of a
captive dolphin’s daily experiences. Captive-born dolphins never know a life
where they get to choose who they become, who they spend time with, what and
when to eat, or where to travel. The habitual denial of captive dolphins’
basic instincts and desires likely contributes to their high rates of
stress, disease, and premature death.
This study will likely prop up the animal captivity industry, which
unfortunately continues to grow in some areas of the United States, in spite
of increasing legislation and public backlash.