David Cantor,
Responsible Policies for Animals (RPA)
November 2016
RPA’s campaigns give you a way to be politically engaged all year – not just reading or hearing or talking about politics or promoting minutiae like the animal-welfare and “green” regimes but directly communicating with key policymakers about the needed fundamental policy change.
Crucially important as today’s election is, it is equally crucial to keep
in mind that no official will work for the fundamental policy change needed
for justice to be established or for any of the other basic moral principles
articulated in the Constitution to be fulfilled. On their own, they
will change nothing big for human beings, Earth’s other animals or the web
of life.
We must work together to establish in the human mind all animals’ innate
equality and personhood so their equal rights of self-determination and
security in their natural homes can be established – all necessary for
humans to fare better as well.
Animal-abuse policy, nature-annihilation policy, the worst possible food
policy, endless war – all of these policies firmly in place today are
devastating, radical departures from our species’ original lifeway as
weaponless plant-foraging herbivorous apes on the African savanna, healthy,
equal, and democratic. They account for nearly all human misery, not
only the ever increasing suffering and bondage of Earth’s quadrillions of
nonhuman animals.
As soon as you can, explore
RPAforAll.org to rededicate yourself to creating policy to reverse
radical change foisted on all of us by tyranny we have not yet eliminated.
RPA’s campaigns give you a way to be politically engaged all year – not just
reading or hearing or talking about politics or promoting minutiae like the
animal-welfare and “green” regimes but directly communicating with key
policymakers about the needed fundamental policy change.
I’m always available if “what you can do” is not entirely clear or if it
conflicts with what the animal-advocacy machine has been telling you for
years or decades.
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