Equal Rights Activities from RPA
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


David Cantor, Responsible Policies for Animals (RPA)
November 2015

RPA’s 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign to end “animal science” strikes at the root of animal abuse: false and harmful ideologies, beliefs, and practices promoted for thousands of years to rationalize civilization’s overarching animal-abuse policy, which only promoting equal rights of all animals can begin to reverse.

Members and Friends of Responsible Policies for Animals!

Here’s wishing you a happy Thanksgiving and an enjoyable and fulfilling holiday season!

Especially for all of our readers who do not receive Persons, the newsletter of Responsible Policies for Animals, I want to relate some recent activities. RPA members will soon have the fall 2015 issue of Persons. To take part in crucial activities for equal rights of all animals, contact me anytime and see www.RPAforAll.org.

Several days ago, RPA sent its eighth 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign mailing to the presidents of our species’ most powerful engines of animals abuse – our massive network of agriculture colleges: RPA’s paper The Case Against “Animal Science” Documented and a letter beginning:

“It alarms the conscience that [Your University] and our other [colleges of agriculture] continue to ruthlessly reject a simple, feasible way to reduce human disease, slow human-caused global heating and our species’ contamination of the natural world, and mitigate civilization’s animal-abuse policy, which causes suffering, death, and extinction on an unimaginable scale.”

[See PDF - The Case Against “Animal Science” Documented]

Next we sent copies of the above letters and The Case Against “Animal Science” Documented to the governors of all 50 states. The governors are trustees of their states’ agriculture colleges. We told them how “animal science” at the colleges – incalculable billions of dollars’ worth of training, research, propaganda, sales, and lobbying for the meat, dairy, fish and egg industries – harms governors’ efforts to minimize taxes and public expenditures, prevent disease, reduce their states’ contributions to global heating, reduce water, air, and topsoil pollution, and reduce needless animal abuse and suffering.

Then we sent all of the above to the newspapers of all 50 agriculture colleges, urging editors to report on RPA’s 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign for truth about human beings and other animals in higher education, which can only be taught once “animal science” is eliminated. “Animal science” is based on false and infinitely harmful beliefs about human beings, other animals, human health and nutrition, and denying environmental devastation by the meat, dairy, fish, and egg industries.

RPA’s 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign to end “animal science” strikes at the root of animal abuse: false and harmful ideologies, beliefs, and practices promoted for thousands of years to rationalize civilization’s overarching animal-abuse policy, which only promoting equal rights of all animals can begin to reverse.

Time, energy, and funds are wasted by standard animal advocacy with its tired refrains that “demand for meat” is the root cause of factory farming; going vegetarian helps animals; and helping animals can create the policy change all of Earth’s quadrillions of animals need to be able to lead fulfilling lives. The 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign reflects the way equal rights of new groups of persons become established, and no one without equal rights can ever have meaningful protection.

Many thanks to longtime RPA supporter Brandon Becker for keeping RPA’s list of the college presidents up to date. Brandon also organizes RPA events in North Carolina and distributes RPA literature at conferences. And to longtime RPA member and friend Caleb Wistar for listing the newspapers’ mailing addresses. Caleb also helps organize RPA events in Albany, New York.

Let me know if you’d like to see the new campaign letters and The Case Against “Animal Science” Documented. There is much you can do to advance the 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign based on the campaign’s substance, strategy, language and current status, in addition to supporting RPA – see www.RPAforAll.org.

Meanwhile, great holidays, everyone, remembering we’re all complicit in animal abuse regardless of our diet or shopping choices – all in civilization is based on animal abuse.

Best wishes,
David Cantor
Executive Director
Responsible Policies for Animals
P.O. Box 891
Glenside PA 19038 USA
(215) 886-RPA1

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