Nick Weston (Head of Campaigns),
League Against Cruel
November 2018
Why is it that since these kennels have been exposed, the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) have made no effort to pay a visit, condemn the state of the site or called the trainer in for questioning?
Please SIGN THE PETITION to Parliament to End Greyhound Racing.
As the owner of two ex-racing greyhounds, and someone who campaigns to ban
greyhound racing for a living, I thought I was prepared for my visit to
Hillside Kennels.
I wasn’t. I don’t think anything can prepare you for that place.
Hillside Kennels was until very recently, an accredited greyhound racing
kennel. But when the trainer moved out, and Celia Cross Greyhound Trust
invited me to take a look, I couldn’t quite believe what I was experiencing.
First of all: the smell. I was asked by a journalist to describe the smell,
but words escaped me. There is not one single smell to pick up, all I can
tell you is that it was horrendous. It was a wall of scent, each building I
entered the smell was worse than the last, hitting me like a wave. It was
all I could do to keep my lunch down. And to think that my sense of smell is
only one tenth of that on a dog.
But it wasn’t just the odour. Visiting Hillside was an assault on all the
senses. To look at the place was comparable to locations in a horror movie.
Think somewhere between Saw and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and you are at
least in the right ball park. The concrete cinder blocks that the building
was built from were worn away. Not from the outside, but the inside, as dogs
had clawed and scratched away at the walls from boredom and stress, leaving
the blocks with concave surfaces. There were long scratches in the walls
three or four feet long and half an inch deep as greyhounds had been begging
for attention.
The wire mesh windows had been pulled inwards, broken and leaving sharp and
dangerous metal wire pointing at both the corridors and into the kennels
themselves. In some places the floor was soaked through with urine, and even
faeces had been left behind.
If people had been kept in this building, Amnesty International would have
got them out. So why were these the living standards for nearly 70
greyhounds, in a kennel that was registered and approved by the Greyhound
Board of Great Britain (GBGB)? Why is it that since these kennels have been
exposed, the GBGB have made no effort to pay a visit, condemn the state of
the site or called the trainer in for questioning?
Perhaps the answer is simple. They don’t care. Racing dogs are nothing more
than commodities, and as long as they can run, who cares right?
Wrong! Celia Cross Greyhound Trust care, that’s why they have bought the
kennels and undertaken the costly task of turning them into a rehoming
centre. The League Against Cruel Sports cares, that’s why we work with
groups across the country, tirelessly working to bring greyhound racing to
an end.
The industry has proved that it only cares about one thing: money. But if
you care about something more important, the thousands of lives put at risk
by greyhound racing, then there is only one conclusion to be drawn: it’s
time to phase out greyhound racing once and for all.
If you would like to help Celia Cross create a greyhound heaven from this
greyhound hell, please donate to their appeal.
SIGN THE PETITION to Parliament to End
Greyhound Racing.