Nicole Rivard, FOA Friends of
April 2018
The shameful hunting industry has lost 2.2 million hunters since 2011. However, what has increased substantially is wildlife watching — observing, feeding and photographing wildlife.
Illustration by Leah Tinari
It doesn’t matter how often I see deer in my backyard, while hiking or
simply in a meadow that I might be driving by, each time feels like the
first time. I feel more alive when we lock eyes—my heart beats a little
faster, and I hold my breath, not wanting to exhale the moment away. I’ve
always had a desire to be close to the wild—as a kid I was enchanted by
run-ins with bull frogs, garter snakes, birds, chipmunks, rabbits,
fireflies, daddy long-legs and bats in my backyard or on my way to the fort
my sister and I made in the woods.
When I saw my first herd of wild horses as a correspondent for Friends of
Animals, I felt it was a privilege. Unfortunately, hunters think it is their
right to take the lives of wild animals. But the good news is, hunting
appears to be what’s dying. A scant 5 percent of the U.S. population 16
years and older—11.5 million people—went hunting in 2016, according to the
2016 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wild – life Associated
Recreation published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The shameful industry has lost 2.2 million hunters since 2011. However,
what has increased substantially is wildlife watching— observing, feeding
and photographing wildlife, according to this recent survey, which is the
13th in a series conducted nearly every five years since 1955. More than 86
million people 16 years old and older participated in these activities in
2016, a 21 percent increase from 2011. The survey defines wildlife watching
as participants either taking a special interest in wildlife around their
home or taking a trip for the primary purpose of wildlife watching.
Additionally, expenditures by wildlife watchers also rose sharply— 28
percent—between 2011 and 2016, from $59.1 billion to $75.9 billion.
Around-the-home wildlife watching increased 18 percent from 2011, from 68.6
million in 2011 to 81.1 million participants in 2016. More modest gains were
made for away from-home wildlife watchers: There was a 5 percent increase
from 2011 to 2016, from 22.5 million to 23 million participants.
As one of the only anti-hunting groups in the U.S., FoA, which places
wildlife and critical habitat protection at the core of our advocacy, is
proud to see that our educational outreach is working. This study fortifies
us as we, in 2018, take on desperate wildlife agencies, which will increase
their efforts to drum up more clients because they rake in revenue from
hunting and trapping licenses.
We expect more bear, swan and other wildlife-hating propaganda to be ramped
up and we are prepared to expose those lies (See The Bear Facts, pg 14). We
will continue to encourage the anti-hunting majority to use their voices to
take back forests and other places from the hunting minority.
We have our work cut out for us as Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is
already using the study to justify giving hunters the run of more public
lands across the country. “This report absolutely underscores the need to
increase public access to public lands across the United States,” said
Zinke. “Hunting and fishing are a part of the American heritage. As a kid
who grew up hunting and fishing on public lands who later took my own kids
out on the same land, I know how important it is to expand access for future
generations. Many folks east of the Mississippi River rely on friends with
large acreages or pay high rates for hunting and fishing clubs. This makes
access to wildlife refuges and other public lands more important.”
On his first day in office, Zinke reversed an order that would have banned
lead ammo and fishing tackle on National Wildlife Refuge lands, and he began
the process of expanding hunting and fishing opportunities on public lands
managed by the Interior Department. By August, the Secretary had announced a
proposal to expand hunting and fishing opportunities at 10 national wildlife
refuges. He also introduced a plan to acquire land to make the Bureau of
Land Management Sabinoso Wilderness Area in New Mexico accessible for the
first time ever to hunters and made recommendations on 27 national monuments
that call for changes to some that would allow fishing and hunting.
Despite such assaults on wildlife and wild places, FoA will not stop
fostering a love of nature and respect for wild creatures. We will continue
to educate the public about why hunting is a crime against nature and to
expose the sinister relationship between federal and state wildlife
conservation agencies like the USFWS and the violent gun culture overall.
After all, federal agencies depend on revenues from the sales of guns and
rifles. The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937 uses the
proceeds from a federal excise tax on guns and ammunition to fund grants to
states and territories for projects to benefit wildlife resources and to
conduct programs for hunter education. The tax is applied whether the
equipment is likely to be used for hunting or not. And, state environmental
protection agencies count on revenues from hunting licenses.
“If bullets aren’t expended, the wildlife conservation economy would come to
a screeching halt,” the Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting said in its fall
FoA is committed to making sure hunting never makes a comeback, and wildlife
watching continues to flourish. We couldn’t be happier to learn that 11
million people maintain plantings or natural areas for the benefit of
wildlife within a mile of their home. Hunters would like to believe they are
the backbone of all conservation everywhere. But the truth is, killing is
not conservation, but protecting wildlife and habitat in your own backyard
For more, please visit Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting (CASH)