Justice for Karley...Johnson's Probation Continued
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


Last Chance for Animals (LCA)
June 2011

[Ed. Note: UPDATE - VICTORY: Justice for Karley and Guilty! Karley's Killer Faces 4-Year Jail Term . Beating a dog with a 12-pound rock because you "get mad"...really? Slowly but steadily more prosecutors and judges are taking animal cruelty seriously.]

The Judge admonished Glynn Johnson and said he has never shown any remorse for his actions.

Puppy killer, Glynn Johnson, denied early release from probation!

Convicted puppy killer, Glynn Johnson, had a hearing June 16, 2011, at the Riverside Superior Court to try and terminate his probation for the 2008 murder of the puppy Karley. Justice was served!



The Judge admonished Glynn Johnson and said he has never shown any remorse for his actions. The Judge acknowledged that the court had received a ton of letters from concerned citizens asking for justice to be served for Karley. The probation department filed their report and recommendation with the court. The report included the fact that Johnson had completed his 16 weeks of anger management and 400 hours of community service.

The probation department recommended that he should not be released of his probation term of three years. Johnson will have to complete the three years of formal probation which is scheduled to end April 1, 2013.

Thank you all for speaking up on behalf of Karley and the rest of the animals.


Brandon Toole, 19, left home to run an errand and returned 20 minutes later to find paramedics, police and a fire truck outside his home and his beloved family dog, Karley, beaten and bleeding under a bush. The female dog, a 6-month-old shepherd mix, was allegedly beaten by Toole’s neighbor, Los Angeles County Assistant Fire Chief Glynn Johnson.

Karley apparently had run across Johnson’s yard and into the next yard. Another neighbor, Travis Staggs, said he started walking the dog home from his yard when Johnson offered to take Karley home, for Johnson was once quoted saying that, “Service to humanity is a joy and a responsibility,”

“Then something in his head snapped and he started beating the dog,” Staggs said. Johnson allegedly punched Karley with a closed fist about a dozen times and then beat her with an 11-inch rock, Staggs said, adding that he tried to stop Johnson but was pushed away.

Brandon Toole and his sister Heather rushed their injured dog to a veterinarian and later an animal intensive care unit. “I can’t describe the way Karley looked and the pain she was in,” Brandon Toole said. Karley was euthanized a few hours after the incident. Karley was euthanized because she was so badly injured, said Jeff Toole, the teenagers’ father.

Johnson reportedly told investigators that he had acted in self-defense and police said Johnson was taken to a hospital for wrist and thumb injuries. Jeff Toole said the thumb puncture occurred when Johnson grabbed Karley’s mouth and broke her jaw.

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