Saving the Frogs in South Korea
An Animal Rights Article from


Dr. Kerry Kriger, Save the Frogs

South Korea is smaller than the state of Virginia, but is home to 48 million people. Such a densely packed human population causes an array of problems for Korea's 18 amphibian species. I just returned from an extremely productive 10 days touring South Korea (November 2010, meeting with nonprofits, government officials, scientists and journalists; visiting wetlands; and creating a lot of interest in our work.

I gave four presentations on amphibian conservation, and was the official representative of the USA at the "Strategies for Biodiversity and Amphibian Conservation Conference" in Seoul. This was Korea's 1st international symposium on amphibian conservation; the goal of the conference was to share information about the amphibian conservation movements in the USA, Korea and Japan, and to build up an international network.


Thanks to EcoClub Korea for sponsoring this trip, as well as Green Korea United, Toad Friends, Wildlife Web, and Korea Network for River and Watershed for hosting the trip and for all their amphibian conservation efforts. We look forward to working with them far into the future to grow the SAVE THE FROGS! movement in South Korea.


While in Korea, I was contacted by the BBC: they wanted to interview me because Prince William had decided to get married on Save The Frogs Day (April 29th, 2011). I was excited to have the opportunity to have an audience of 3 million listeners!


Are you a student 8th grade or younger? Want to save some frogs, but need some funding to turn your brilliant idea into a reality? SAVE THE FROGS! is now accepting applications for the 2011 Nate The Newt Award for Amphibian Conservation. Submit your proposal detailing how you would use $500 to save amphibians -- and you may win the $500 to set your plan into motion!

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