Chris Heyde,
Return to Freedom
February 2018
I’ve now worked as a lobbyist on animal-welfare issues for 20 years, and experiences like being inside that slaughterhouse enable me to speak credibly to the issues that I’m working on.
Before I started the national campaign to end horse slaughter in 2001, I
spent time at auctions, watching kill buyers at work at auctions in
Pennsylvania and Ohio; I followed single- and double-deck trucks crammed
with horses on their way to Mexico; and I toured the now-closed Cavel
International horse slaughter plant in Dekalb, Ill. What I saw in that
brutal place stays with me: the callousness of men with fiberglass rods
striking horses that slid down ramps covered in urine and feces, the way the
animals fell and climbed over each other because of an open, three-foot-deep
drain, the white-eyed panic of horses smelling blood in the kill chute, the
sound of the bolt gun.
I’ve now worked as a lobbyist on animal-welfare issues for 20 years, and
experiences like being inside that slaughterhouse enable me to speak
credibly to the issues that I’m working on.
Firsthand knowledge is how Return to Freedom makes a difference, too.
When I started working with RTF last year, doing meetings with members of
Congress or staff members, either on my own or alongside other national
advocacy organizations, it was obvious that I was bringing the
organization’s knowledge and experience directly to legislators and
policymakers. I am now not just a lobbyist from Washington, D.C.; I am a
lobbyist working for an organization caring for hundreds of wild horses and
burros while properly – and humanely — managing the size of its herds using
proven fertility control and employing good management practices. This was
the perfect opportunity for both of us to bring the experience and
science-based wild horse management practices of RTF directly to the halls
of Congress and offices of the Bureau of Land Management.
Having visited RTF’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary – and, in particular,
seen the herds on the rolling hills of its 2,000-acre satellite sanctuary in
San Luis Obispo — I can paint a picture of what humane management looks
like. I can go back to Washington and show them that, yes, there is a
program that is working well, and BLM can and should be doing something like
it. I’m bringing Return to Freedom to the Hill.
There’s no doubt that issues like preserving wild horses and ending horse
slaughter are emotional ones. Lobbyists for animals start with the stigma of
being considered “animal-rights activists,” however. The foundation may be
simply that we want the government to do the right thing for wild horses and
burros, but we also have economics and science on our side. We must be what
I call hyper-factual with the information that we present: We use accurate
numbers, we avoid too much emotion, and we present solutions that are
science-based. I can’t say the same for those opposing many of the modest
measures we are advancing. Agencies like the BLM and special interest groups
often present wildly unsubstantiated claims and many staff and legislators
take them as fact (i.e. too many wild horses destroying the range, wild
horses not a native species). It is left up to me, organizations like Return
to Freedom, and the public to undo the myths created by those wanting all
wild horses gone.
I have found that some advocates have an image of lobbying Congress as
something glamorous and exciting, when in fact is more often just the
opposite. Many of my meetings are 10-15 minutes long with staffers in their
20s who may also work on a variety of legislative issues for a member of
Congress. I spend my time connecting with them and going over the facts
facing wild horses, dispelling the myths advanced by the BLM and explaining
how we can ensure they are protected for future generations. I follow up
with each of them over email with additional materials. Throughout the year,
I run into staff in the halls, I may stop in their office to say hello, I
might send them an article on an issue of relevance or just a note to stay
connected. In that way, I hope to create a relationship with staff members,
so that they trust me and know the information that I supply is factual,
helping the constituents in their district that support Return to Freedom
have their voices heard when it comes time for a committee hearing and vote.
I need our message and facts on their mind when briefing the legislator when
action is needed. You know you’ve sparked interest in a Congressional
staffer tells you how much she wants to see RTF’s sanctuary and its wild
horses for herself.
Return to Freedom’s firsthand knowledge long been an invaluable resource for
educating the public, federal agencies and members of Congress about the
plight of America’s wild horses and burros. But having that voice in D.C.,
at the table and walking the halls of Congress every day is something that
was missing. I am grateful for the opportunity to be doing it for the
organization and for the wild horses and burros RTF works so hard to protect
and preserve. I’m also pleased to being working for wild horse supporters
like you. It’s your calls and messages to your members of Congress that help
open the door for me, giving me the chance to tell the story of wild horses
and burros – and the proven, humane solutions that can preserve their future
on the range.
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