No More Three-Legged Lobos
An Animal Rights Article from


Wild Earth Guardians
October 2010

Steel-jawed traps, once commonly used by fur-trappers throughout the majority of the Mexican wolf recovery area in New Mexico and Arizona, have been banned.

At WildEarth Guardians we’re celebrating because wolves will have a better future on 3.1 million acres of the Gila National Forest, where these cruel traps are now prohibited.

At the instigation and urging of WildEarth Guardians, the New Mexico Game Commission extended a ban on trapping which will spare the remaining 42 lobos that still live in the wilds of southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona.

Sadly this victory didn’t come soon enough for the alpha female of the Middle Fork Pack whose paw was so damaged in a steel leg-hold trap that her leg had to be amputated. Today she roams the wilds of the Southwest on three legs, teaching her pups how to survive and thrive.

WildEarth Guardians applauds the New Mexico Game Commission for enacting the decree, ordered by Governor Richardson in July, and taking the necessary steps to protect endangered Southwestern lobos.

WildEarth Guardians celebrates this historic success for wolves! But more work remains to be done to further secure habitat for these charismatic native carnivores.

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