From White Coat Waste Project
October 2013
Since government is now the major force abusing animals, we need to go to the root of this problem: wasteful spending....Every year, the government wastes more than $12 billion - that's billion, with a "B" - on wasteful, painful, and unnecessary experiments on animals..
It's official: for the first time in 17 years, the government has shut down because Washington politicians couldn't agree on a spending bill.
Yet, every year, the government wastes more than $12 billion - that's billion, with a "B" - on wasteful, painful, and unnecessary experiments on animals.
Guess who picks up the bill? You do, every April 15.
Since government is now the major force abusing animals, we need to go to the root of this problem: wasteful spending.
Meet the White Coat Waste Project. Our new taxpayer watchdog group cleans up the government's out-of-control and secretive animal experimentation budget. We expose and eliminate the waste, fraud, and abuse they don't want you to know about.
So What Constitutes Waste?
Let's have a look at just a handful of the animal experiments you bought. And let me warn you, these guys aren't curing any sick kids. Watch these shocking new videos to help us clean up the waste and save lives.
Waste of the Week Award!
You can "thank" Professor Linda Wilbrecht of UC-Berkely for this big government "discovery." At taxpayer expense, Wilbrecht forces small animals to consume illegal, recreational street drugs. Her big government, taxpayer-funded conclusion? Mice like cocaine.
In her own words: "When given a choice, most of the mice preferred to explore the side where they had the cocaine, which indicated that they were looking for more cocaine." Your bill? $1.4 million in taxes (payout #5R01DA029150).
Is this how you want your money spent?
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