New York State to Ban Elephants in Circuses in Two Years
An Animal Rights Article from


IDA In Defense of Animals
October 2017

The Elephant Protect Act, sponsored by animal heroes, Senator Terrence Murphy and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, takes effect in two years.

We're thrilled to announce a reprieve for elephants forced to perform in circuses in the state of New York! We applaud New York's Governor Andrew W. Cuomo for signing the Elephant Protect Act which bans the use of elephants in circuses and traveling exhibits.

We also give thanks to all our New York supporters who signed our action alert supporting the passage of this bill! The Elephant Protect Act, sponsored by animal heroes, Senator Terrence Murphy and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, takes effect in two years.

We must now focus our efforts nationally and make it illegal for all beings to be confined and paraded around for entertainment.

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