FOA Friends of
July 2018
Common sense and truth prevailed among those legislators on the Connecticut State Legislature's Environment Committee who shot the vile bear trophy hunting bill down with their votes.
Connecticut’s black bears are safe thanks to Friends of Animals and our
supporters. In March, a bear trophy hunt bill was shot down by the
Environment Committee of the General Assembly 21 to 8 with one member
“FoA is relieved that common sense and truth prevailed among those
legislators on the Environment Committee who shot the vile bear trophy
hunting bill down with their votes,” said FoA President Priscilla Feral.
“The CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection bureaucracy needs
to advance education without shooting animals to death, and they can’t be
the mouthpiece for only 1 percent of state residents who hunt.”
FoA took out ads in Connecticut newspapers and testified at a public hearing
in March, pointing out that there have been zero fatal bear attacks in CT
but there have been 10 humans killed by hunters and 114 injured in CT since
1982, according to data provided by the state to FoA in response to a
Freedom of Information request.
“Allowing a bear hunt will not make residents in the state safer,” said FoA
Communications Director Fran Silverman. “In fact, there is a weak
correlation between the population of black bears and bear attacks,
according to a study in The Journal of Wildlife Management. Bear-human
conflict is more closely correlated with human behavior.”
“Bear-proof garbage cans and education, not guns, are what’s needed to
prevent human/black bear conflict in Litchfield County, where a whopping
182,571 people live and a paltry 235 black bears reside,” added Nicole
Rivard, editor of Action Line. “DEEP already has a nuisance bear program in
place—there were only 5 nuisance black bears in the entire state in 2017. As
one state biologist told us recently, black bears are actually shy.
“Shooting bears in a bear trophy hunt will not teach the ones who aren’t
slaughtered not to be opportunistic feeders. But educating people about how
their behaviors enhance risks will make a difference.”