Responsible Policies
for Animals (RPFA)
May 2014
Many thanks to all who have mentioned in recent years the groundbreaking
legal work of attorney-author Steven Wise seeking legal personhood for
nonhuman animals. And special thanks to Betty Sherman for bringing me this
week’s New York Times Magazine about Mr. Wise’s work. [Read
Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) is New York Times Magazine Cover Story.]
Some friends have asked what I think of the article and Wise’s strategy. I
have read and followed Mr. Wise’s work since 1996, and I am glad to explain
why I find it (1) important, educational, and worthy of immense respect and
(2) not the most effective strategy for establishing the equal rights all
animals need to lead a fulfilling life. This will help explain Responsible
Policies for Animals’ strategy for establishing nonhuman personhood – as
outlined in the spring 2013 issue of RPA’s newsletter Persons.
Feel welcome to circulate this RPA Update freely, and post to any list. It
is crucial for rights advocates to reflect on how rights come to exist for
new groups of persons, how one comes to be deemed a person. Otherwise, we
are doomed to persist in advocacy that we know in our hearts is failing to
remedy the animals’ steadily worsening plight.
In the law, as in the civilized (as compared with the original) human mind,
nonhuman animals are not persons. “Person(s)” in the Constitution and the
law applies to all human beings and no nonhuman beings. Legally, a nonhuman
animal is not a person with rights like humans have under the Constitution’s
rights Amendments or legal standing to sue another person or a corporation
or government agency as humans can. Mr. Wise and his team have thoroughly
researched habeas corpus cases – human beings challenging the their arrest
or imprisonment in court. They’ve now named chimpanzees as plaintiffs in
habeas cases, based on chimpanzees’ being biologically similar to human
Mr. Wise is making significant progress toward eventually getting an
appellate court – a court that rules on the propriety of trial-court
decisions – to hear a habeas case after a lower court rules against liberty
(or transfer from extremely inhumane captivity to much-less-inhumane
captivity) for a chimpanzee plaintiff. This is a brilliant, major
contribution to animal advocacy. A ruling for one of Mr. Wise’s nonhuman-ape
clients would break the species barrier against legal standing for nonhuman
animals. Rightly alarmed are humanist-extremists concerned that nonhuman
animals might no longer be deemed only to exist for humans to use or
dispense with – animal abuse being a pillar of the economy. News
reports on Mr. Wise’s work – the current New York Times Magazine article is
the culmination of many – help establish in the public mind the key concept
that humans are not the only animals worthy of moral and legal
RPA’s strategy differs from Mr. Wise’s in two fundamental ways. As outlined
in spring 2013 Persons, the rights all animals need cannot be established
without human beings’ recognizing their personhood. But (1) a significant
portion of the public must learn to conceptualize and perceive all animals
as persons, and no animal as subhuman, before nonhuman personhood is likely
to be established in the law. Law not informed by human morality affords
little protection – hence recent reports that one in five women on U.S.
college and university campuses endures sexual assault despite its being a
crime for thousands of years. Species-based prejudice, the original
invidious distinction, formalized in “the great chain of being” and other
speciesist-humanist ideologies, nurture a conscious and subconscious
perception of women (even sometimes in women themselves) as
instrumentalities of men as nonhuman animals are viewed as instrumentalities
of humans.
That brings us to the problem that (2) making chimpanzees’ personhood the
nonhuman-habeas test cases based on chimpanzees’ similarity to humans
perpetuates humanist bias. The prescientific ideologies that established
civilization’s and courts’ humanist bias fuels the invidious distinctions
that ignite human genocides and eliminationist campaigns and undermine the
Constitution’s explicitly stated values: justice, liberty, equality,
defense, tranquility, and the general welfare. It is unlikely so many “up
and coming” young men would treat women as subhuman – as bodies existing for
men to use – if not indoctrinated into humanism from birth. If establishing
nonhuman personhood and rights is going to perpetuate the conflation of
“person” with “human” or “human-like,” then most of the million-plus animal
species can never gain the autonomy, ecology, and dignity rights they need
and that is required to start protecting the living world against human
depredations – environmentalism is clearly not succeeding on the humanist
model (“our environment,” “our resources,” “fish stocks,” etc.).
All of this is why RPA’s strategy is to establish in the human mind the
realities that in nature there are no “higher” or “lower” animals; that
humanism and speciesism are figments of our species elaborate imagination;
that species-based invidious distinctions undermine human wellbeing as well
as that of all other animals; and that all of our institutions must cease
promoting humanism and teach the new animalism – recently introduced by RPA
(The New Animalism) – if
humanity is to adopt a new trajectory toward wellness, peace, and stability,
rather than remain on the millennia-long trajectory toward ever more
illness, violence, and misery. RPA’s strategy is manifested in its
10,000 Years Is Enough campaign to end humanist-extremist “animal science”
programs at our colleges of agriculture and its endeavor to eliminate
species bias from the news industry, as well as in its lectures, website,
and literature.
(The new animalism (The New Animalism)
– challenging the entire concept of humans as superior to other animals –
acknowledges the kind of animal humans are by their biological nature:
plant-foraging herbivorous apes originating on the African savanna, with no
natural need of direct contact with other animals. The new animalism
recognizes that humanism is a false and harmful ideology, not a sound basis
for human practice, policy, law, or ways of life. RPA’s new brochure
Animal Abuse: The Whole Story summarizes the new animalism, and I am glad to
provide additional details on request. RPA’s website will soon provide
a summary of the new animalism.)
RPA’s argument for nonhuman personhood is biological rather than legal.
This comports with the fact that equal human rights were established,
through long struggle, based on recognition that all humans are biologically
equal. (Humanism, with its unnatural hierarchies rather than humans’
natural ones, has supplanted natural human equality with tyranny for
thousands of years.) Humans, like the other animals, are persons by
virtue of their being bodies. One definition of “person” is body.
Even the term “habeas corpus” means “you have the body” – not you have the
human being. Members of all animal species experience on average the
same number of heartbeats. All animals are genetic relatives of humans
and of each other. It is natural to care most about one’s closest
relatives – kin altruism. It is not natural to devise ideologies – and to
base laws on them – holding humans to be the only animals who matter.
Humans have an innate affinity for Earth’s other beings – biophilia – which
humanism undermines. So the effort to establish nonhuman personhood is best
pursued through the new animalism, not through humanist bias. Once human
beings grasp the harm humanism does to them and their prospects, and the
full scope of animal abuse and its far-reaching consequences for all
animals, establishing nonhuman personhood in the law will be less difficult
– and more meaningful: the change will take place in the totality of all
animals’ experience, not only “on paper.”
I hope that is useful for outlining Mr. Wise’s work to establish nonhuman personhood through the courts, RPA’s work to establish nonhuman personhood in the human mind by changing civilization’s most influential institutions, and basic differences between the two. This is difficult to grasp. I only frame the animal-abuse disaster this way after a quarter-century of full-time animal advocacy, seeking to turn advocacy from a failing endeavor to one that eventually can create fundamental change that is needed. All who are concerned about all animals’ wellbeing can take part in the new wave of the animal-rights movement by supporting RPA and helping to supplant humanism and the full range of bias it generates through RPA’s unique campaigns and educational materials.
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