New York Outlaws Pet Piercing and Tattoos; New Jersey May Follow
An Animal Rights Article from


The National Humane Education Society (NHES)
January 2015

Take action here: Contact New Jersey Legislators to Outlaw "Pet Piercings"

It is an unfortunate reality that such a law would even be necessary, but when a woman in Pennsylvania was found advertising “gothic” kittens with piercings and amputated tails online, two lawmakers in New York introduced a bill to ban the practice.

Paws Up! to New York for outlawing the cosmetic piercing and tattooing of dogs, cats, and other pets in the state.

According to a recent news article, New York has banned the cosmetic piercing and tattooing of pets.

It is an unfortunate reality that such a law would even be necessary, but when a woman in Pennsylvania was found advertising “gothic” kittens with piercings and amputated tails online, two lawmakers in New York introduced a bill to ban the practice.

Governor Cuomo signed the bill into law in December. Only piercings or tattoos with a medical benefit will be permitted when the law goes into effect in the spring of 2015. Violators could be punished with a 15-day jail sentence and a fine up to $250. Legislators in New Jersey have also introduced a similar bill to prevent the painful and inherently cruel practice in their state.

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