Rabbits Spared From Deadly University Classroom Lab
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
January 2012

We are happy to share an exciting victory for animals in our ongoing campaign to get animals out of classroom laboratories at Arizona State University (ASU), an effort which started with brave and compassionate students coming forward to PETA to report abuses they witnessed or heard about.

PETA has recently learned that as a result of a two-year campaign by PETA and ASU students, the school has discontinued a classroom physiology laboratory in which more than 100 rabbits a year had holes cut into their necks, were injected with various drugs, and were then killed. This new development follows an earlier decision by ASU to reduce by half the number of frogs used in the course.

Because of these developments, hundreds of animals will be spared from suffering each year. But there is still more work to be done at ASU.

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