Poodle Breeder Busted in Mississippi
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


In Defense of Animals (IDA)
May 2011

[Ed. Note: Watch Puppy Mills to see a rescue earlier this year. Never buy ANY animal. Always adopt!]

Twenty-three poodles, some three to a cage, were being kept in tiny cages, in the living room. A police officer and animal control were called.

Breeding poodles … A family’s delusions … An anguishing tale that left only sadness in its wake.

Doll Stanley, director of IDA’s Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi, heard about a family known for breeding poodles. They appeared devoted to their disabled son and the care of poodles, even adopting some to families with disabled children.

But Doll heard a different story from the woman’s sister. She was worried about the conditions and care being given to the dogs and asked if IDA could take six of them.

Doll and our vet went to pick the dogs up and saw evidence that there were more - many more.

The woman said she would try to convince her husband to send another ten poodles to IDA's sanctuary. We urged the family to release all the dogs very quickly - the fur was terribly matted and dirty and Doll suspected that what remained hidden was worse than what she saw.

But on that day we could only rescue the six being voluntarily surrendered.

Soon, the woman called about ten more poodles. We knew we had to rescue all the dogs on the property. Doll and our vet investigated further.

Twenty-three poodles, some three to a cage, were being kept in tiny cages, in the living room. A police officer and animal control were called.

We documented the shocking condition of the dogs:

  • Matted fur held the feces and urine they lay in
  • Older dogs suffered blindness, rotting and missing teeth
  • Some suffered seizures
  • Others were afflicted with heart murmurs and diabetes

We have already:

  • Arranged for full medical exams, including vaccinations, heartworm tests, blood and dental work
  • Arranged for grooming and transports to our Hope Animal Sanctuary and to other adoption partners (because our sanctuary is now at full capacity). Once cleaned and pampered, many were quickly adopted, and others are available for adoption.
  • Euthanized eight of the dogs who suffered tumors, fistulas from the cavities left by missing teeth that bore into their sinuses, and others who suffered horrible seizures and blindness, probably from inbreeding.

NEVER buy any animal! Always adopt!

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