We have won the battle over proposed Hunting Act amendment
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


League Against Cruel Sports
March 2014

Also read Eight in Ten People Believe Fox Hunting Belongs to the Past

What they planned would have driven a coach and horses through the Act. I am delighted we have thwarted this plot from a tiny but powerful hunting lobby.

Wednesday 26th March 2014: In Prime Ministers Questions today, David Cameron confirmed that he “regrets” that he is unlikely to get Government agreement to take forward a proposal to amend the Hunting Act. Leading anti-hunting charity, the League Against Cruel Sports, are calling this a great battle win, but warn that the war to keep hunting banned is not yet over.

Joe Duckworth, Chief Executive of the League said: “I am delighted that we have flushed out this back door attack on the Hunting Act. What they planned would have driven a coach and horses through the Act. I am delighted we have thwarted this plot from a tiny but powerful hunting lobby.

“We have won this battle but not the war. We call on The Prime Minister to either admit the Hunting Act is here to stay, or hold the promised vote on repeal of the Act”.

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