Rooster Sanctuary at Danzig's Roost
July 2015
Our mission is clear: SAVE THE FIGHTERS! Don't let their voices be forgotten. These birds are FORCED into this way of life and, just like fighting dogs, they can be rehabilitated.
Danzig's Roost has rescued over 80 of these fighters from cockfighting raids and are looking for sponsors for these birds to help in their reintegration into normal flocks.
Our Save the Fighters campaign is in full swing! This summer is the busiest summer yet at The Roost and with the help of our dedicated volunteers and support from people around the world we are doing more than we ever thought possible!
Save the Fighters is the base for our anti-cockfighting advocacy program
to bring to light the horrendous practice of forcing roosters to fight to
the death in this barbaric bloodsport. While illegal in the United States,
cockfighting is underground and relies heavily on secrecy and word of mouth
to function. Gambling on these birds lives is deplorable and with your help
we can bring to light this all but forgotten atrocity and pave the way for
tougher laws on those that participate in it.
Our mission is clear: SAVE THE FIGHTERS! Don't let their voices be
forgotten. These birds are FORCED into this way of life and, just like
fighting dogs, they can be rehabilitated.
We at Danzig's Roost have rescued over 80 of these fighters from
cockfighting raids and are looking for sponsors for these birds to help in
their reintegration into normal flocks. Funds for housing are desperately
needed as well as volunteers to help building coops for the fighters.
With a one time donation of $250 for a sponsorship, you will get to name the
fighter, have a placard made with yours and your fighter's name and have a
framed portrait of your sponsored fighter mailed to you! You can also get a
group of friends together to sponsor a fighter to minimize the cost of
While the abuse of cockfighting is deplorable, the irony is that the widespread and socially acceptable suffering that chickens in the meat and egg industry endure is enormous. We here at Danzig's Roost advocate for ALL to live their lives free from harm and choose being vegan as part and parcel to that end. The impact that even one person can have on the system of abuse that these delicate creatures go through by going vegan is paramount.
Understanding that humanity must come to terms with itself and how we
play a vital role in the future of our planet by living vegan, we can stem
the tide of abuse that all inhabitants of our world face.
Choose the future... Choose vegan.
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