Brenda Shoss, Kinship Circle
May 2011
[Ed. Note: Watch Ringling Brothers Elephant Abuse to see what some animals endure to "entertain" humans in circuses.]
Silly animal tricks do not warrant disease, pain and death. The "Greatest Show On Earth" is the one with enough compassion to delete animal acts from its repertoire.
People rarely link the word slavery with animals in circuses. Most recall
their kid's-eye glimpse of elephants on platforms and airborne tigers inside
fiery hoops. Everyone is entitled to this innocent entertainment, right?
Animals are part of the circus tradition.
Take a closer look. Behind the sequins and smiles, circus trainers are armed
with bullhooks, electric shock prods, axe handles, metal pipes, whips, or
sticks. Wild animals perform because they are afraid of violent
repercussions. Unlike dogs or cats, they don't respond to positive
reinforcement. In fact, natural instinct urges them to shun unsafe balances,
fire, or large crowds. A circus trainer's job is to break the animal's will
and overpower it with terror tactics.
"If it will not sink in, then beat it in. It's the only way to make an
elephant do the performance right," maintains a Ringling Bros. and Barnum
Bailey Circus trainer in an affidavit filed by former employees. In another
complaint filed with the U.S. government, a onetime Ringling worker
describes a handler who beat an elephant's groin, which "resulted in the
metal hook penetrating the skin and causing an open wound from which blood
began flowing."
A circus animal's life includes chains, beatings and food/water deprivation
to prevent "a mess" in the ring. Front paws are burned to force animals onto
hind legs. Big cats are "choked down" with neck ropes. Chimps are clubbed
repeatedly. Handlers chain elephants from tusks to feet. The animals perform
up to three shows a day, with 50 weeks of travel in filthy, unventilated
railroad cars. Despite the "we love our animals" spin from publicity agents,
this is all standard practice. Henry North Ringling states in his book, The
Circus Kings, that "all sorts of brutalities are used to force the animals
to respect the trainer and learn their tricks. The animals work from fear."
But don't take my word for it. Anyone with access to the internet can locate
the USDA homepage, to review topics under its APHIS/Animal Care branch. They
can find out, just as I did, that 21 Ringling animals died over the last
five years, due to brutal training or inadequate-care incidents.
Check out USDA-APHIS #58-C-0035 to learn how the Shrine-sponsored Royal
Hanneford Circus forced a tuberculosis-infected elephant to perform, while
housing other elephants with infected nails, ventral edema and chronic
arthritis. Read USDA #58 C-0644 to discover how a Sterling & Reid Circus
trainer smacked a lion's face repeatedly with a broken hockey stick. In 1999
alone, the USDA charged Sterling & Reid with 46 non-compliance violations of
the Animal Welfare Act.
There are literally thousands of neatly filed reports. But who is to
blame-the circuses who profit from animal misery or the U.S. government, a
well-meaning "parent" who rarely disciplines its unruly child? Most circuses
have not suffered consequences for flagrant cases of animal cruelty and
When I wrote to Betty Goldentyer, Eastern Regional Director USDA/APHIS/AC,
in regard to leg lesions found on two Ringling baby elephants who'd been
forcibly separated from their mothers, I quoted Dr. Wm. Ron DeHaven,
USDA/APHIS Animal Care deputy administrator: "We believe there is sufficient
evidence that the handling of these animals caused trauma, behavioral
stress, physical harm and discomfort." Ms. Goldentyer informed me that
"non-compliance" was documented to "serve as a warning that repeat
non-compliance of this sort will be scrutinized and could lead to formal
legal action."
Baby elephants normally nurse until two or three and retain a lifelong
social bond with their herd. Early separation is stressful enough, but to
violently rope or chain the animals violates anti-cruelty laws. Why was
Ringling Bros. merely scolded?
It's no wonder that circus elephants snap after years of systematic abuse.
According to the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), "since 1983, at
least 28 people have been killed by captive elephants performing in circuses
and ride exhibits. Over 70 others have been seriously injured."
Due to the recent rise in elephant rampages, Representative Sam Farr
introduced the Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act. The Senate is
expected to propose a companion bill which will also ban the use of
elephants in circuses and for the purpose of rides.
People can safely learn about wild animals at a library, on television
programs and films, or inside a wildlife refuge. Elephants naturally roam 20
to 50 miles everyday, pausing to indulge in mud and dust baths. Circus
elephants are shackled and shipped around the country in sweltering box
cars. When Kenny fatally collapsed in 1999, after performing in two Ringling
Bros. shows with gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections, the
three-year-old elephant finally found peace.
Silly animal tricks do not warrant disease, pain and death. The "Greatest
Show On Earth" is the one with enough compassion to delete animal acts from
its repertoire.
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