SHARK Receives $1 Million Donation from Bob Barker
An Animal Rights Article from


Steve Hindi, Founder, Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK)
January 2010

As if $1,000,000 isn't enough, Mr. Barker has even offered to travel to Pennsylvania to personally take part in the effort to stop these slaughters. This goes way beyond activism. This is total dedication to not only stopping animal suffering, but to making a better world.

I am completely overwhelmed by this act of profound generosity. Those who have supported SHARK for a long time know that I was once a sport killer, and that it was the horror of the infamous pigeon shoot in Hegins, Pennsylvania that turned me from being an animal killer to an animal protector. That was twenty years ago.

For Bob Barker to empower SHARK to play a major role in ending these blood festivals is nothing short of the dream of a lifetime. Now the dream is within reach, and my promise to friend and foe alike is that the dream shall become reality.

As if $1,000,000 isn't enough, Mr. Barker has even offered to travel to Pennsylvania to personally take part in the effort to stop these slaughters. This goes way beyond activism. This is total dedication to not only stopping animal suffering, but to making a better world.

This update is not merely a fantastic development for our nonhuman friends -- it is a tremendous opportunity for each and every one of you to join in this great cause to finally bring justice and relief to the victims who have suffered and died for so long.

Will you please join me in the effort to finally relegate Pennsylvania's live pigeon shoots to the pages of history?

A million dollars is a lot of money, and as always, we will spend every penny as efficiently as we possibly can to make this great change. But remember that our main opposition is the gun-wielding zealots of the National Rifle Association -- the NRA. Had it not been for campaigns and financial resources of the NRA, Pennsylvania's live pigeon shoots would have been history decades ago.

The National Rifle Association brings in hundreds of millions of dollars annually, so we are still fighting a David vs. Goliath battle. Fortunately, we have the truth documented in video, and as in the many other issues SHARK has fought and won, that truth will make our efforts successful.

What I am saying is we will still need your support to continue on our mission of saving as many animals in as many issues as possible. I want to use the momentum we build in the fight for the pigeons in other campaigns as well. We will wade forward through our opposition together, and I encourage you to join with us by supporting our efforts and donate to SHARK.

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