Ten Astounding Whale Facts
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org
Philip Hoare, author of The Whale: In Search of the Giants of the
- The blue whale and the fin whale are the loudest animals on earth. Their
subsonic calls were mistaken for the sound of earthquakes when scientists
first heard them. A fin whale on one side of the Atlantic can be heard on
the other.
- The bowhead whale is the longest-lived animal. Inuit harpoons more than two
centuries old have been found in hunted bowheads off Alaska—one dating to
235 years old. These same animals were alive when Melville wrote Moby-Dick.
- The sperm whale has the largest brain of any animal, weighing 17 pounds. Its
complex cortex is capable of intelligence exceeded only by primates and
- The humpback whale undertakes the longest migration of any mammal, traveling
10,000 miles from its breeding ground in the Caribbean to feed in the
- The narwhal’s tusk was claimed to be the horn of a unicorn and an antidote
to poison. Queen Elizabeth I was given a narwhal tusk worth £10,000, the
price of a new castle.
- The North Atlantic right whale is the world’s most endangered mammal. Only
350 remain. Slow-moving and blubber-rich, the whale floated when killed, and
was therefore the ‘right’ whale to hunt.
- The right whale also possesses the largest testes in the animal kingdom.
Mating may last many hours, and females may allow more than one male enter
at the same time.
- The whaling port of New Bedford was once the richest city in America,
although American whaling began on the island of Nantucket.
- Until the discovery of petroleum in 1859, whale oil was used to light the
western world’s cities, from London and Paris to Washington and New York.
- Whalebone is not actually bone, but the flexible blades from the mouths of
baleen whales, used to strain their food. It was used for corset stays,
carriage suspension, venetian blinds, brooms and many other household
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