American Airlines Stops Transporting Monkeys For Research
An Animal Rights Article from


British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)
July 2011

[For more information about the horrors endured by primates flown around the world from the wild to laboratories, please read Jane Goodall Testifies On Interstate Transport of Nonhuman Primates and watch video of Covance Cruelty.]

The BUAV is delighted to announce that American Airlines (AA), a major US airline, has now joined our growing list of airlines that do not transport non-human primates for the research industry. As a direct result of communication with the BUAV, AA has carried out a complete review of its policy regarding the transportation of primates. It has now clarified its policy which reads:

"AA will NOT accept primates used for laboratory research, experimentation or exploitation purposes."

Michelle Thew, BUAV's Chief Executive, said: "We welcome the action taken by American Airlines to clarify its policy on this important issue. The shipment of monkeys for research is a subject that raises strong public concern. We call on remaining airlines to end their involvement in this cruel trade."

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