White Coat Waste Project's 2017 Successes
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org
White Coat Waste
January 2018
Thanks to our donors' financial support, we slightly exceeded our end-of-year
budget goal!
In case you missed it, here's a recap of our top victories:
- Megaphone Placed 241 media stories... that's one major press exposé every 36 hours!
- Rallied 600,000 taxpayers to bombard Congress to clean up the waste.
- Ended 20-year-old meth tests on Dobermans.
- Secured 2 federal audits of government spending
- Stopped the FDA's nicotine tests on 10-month-old baby monkeys.
- Educated millions of taxpayers with hard-hitting TV ads and
With your ongoing investment, we'll clean up even more government waste
and abuse in 2018.
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