The wool industry. A far-from-natural, lucrative sideline to the final atrocity of the slaughterhouse; an elaborately manufactured system of exploitation where defenceless individuals have been selectively bred for characteristics that make money for humans, while being forced to submit to brutal and intrusive interference in every aspect of their lives; a catalogue of horrors worthy of Frankenstein.... The idea that wool is a victimless ‘resource’ just could not be more wrong... 567,720,576 individuals were slaughtered in 2017 alone....
Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
One for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
Able to recite this before I went to school, this was a significant part of my formal instruction about sheep. Affirming that they exist for our use and are willing and eager to hand over their fleeces, this little rhyme encompassed all the assumptions with which children are indoctrinated about other animal species, their reason for existing, and our assumed requirement and right to exploit them to death. Fast forward a number of years and on social media we frequently see the confident statement:
‘Taking wool doesn’t kill sheep. They have to be sheared so we may as well use the wool – they don’t need it.’
Some of us go through our entire lives without challenging the myths of our
childhood . Oh, we dress them up in grown-up words and drape them in cherry
picked notions, acquired assumptions, and pseudo science but at their heart
they remain simply that. Myths that we somehow grew up knowing; never quite
sure how we know them but confident that they must be correct because
otherwise we’d surely know.
(In this essay I intend to focus on sheep, but it should be noted that the
word ‘wool’ may also refer to the shaved body covering of members of a
number of species including goats from whom cashmere and mohair is taken,
angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids such as alpaca
and llamas.)
So. The myth about sheep and their wool. With a few embellishments depending
on our upbringing, it goes something like this:
Sheep are a natural species and man has used them for as far back in time as we know. There are several different breeds. We eat them because they taste good/ because we need to eat animals / because they’d overrun the planet.
Sheep grow thick wooly coats and most of them can’t shed it without help. It makes them overheat so we shave it off for them. They have no use for it after it’s been shaved off so we use it ourselves so as not to waste it.
Was that the sort of idea you grew up with? Me too. Only it’s a million
miles away from being that simple. There are holes in that myth that you
could drive a bus through but let’s check out some of the facts. (I say
‘some of’ because as I’m editing this, I’m thinking of new points but
already well over the length I intended.)
Self interest is a powerful thing
The day I became vegan, little did I realise how that decision marked the
first step on a journey of discovery that has led me down many dark and
bleak paths. Some days it’s a struggle to close my eyes and ears to my
knowledge of the whimpering, blood drenched hell that our wantonly brutal
species has created. I am acutely aware of the bleeding, mutilated, broken
young creatures who have never known a moment of peace or joy; aware of
their pain, the anguish of their broken families, and the degradation that
my species routinely inflicts, despite each person being convinced that
they’re an ‘animal lover’. The grim reality of each new discovery makes me
buckle with anguish, and so it was with this glimpse into the bleak subject
of wool.
The most basic and uninformed of the justifications for using hens for eggs,
runs along the lines that ‘hens lay eggs anyway, so it’s a waste not to use
them’. Second only to egg use, come the justifications for using sheep for
their wool. ‘It doesn’t kill them. They’d be unwell if they weren’t sheared
so we may as well use the wool.’ And as with so many of our
‘justifications’, this one carries the sanctimonious suggestion of bucolic
concern for wellbeing, with just a hint of victim consent, positioning our
species as compassionate in divesting these unfortunates of the burden of
‘natural’ but inappropriately heavy coats. But let’s get this out of the way
right at the start. Wool is an industry of ruthless exploitation. It’s an
industry that uses innocent and unconsenting victims, making money from
their bodies while disregarding their every interest. Their only escape is
through a slaughterhouse.
The history of domestication and the start of selective breeding
Recently I have seen so many people deriding the very idea of selective
breeding being used to create ‘designer victims’ for our species. All I can
say is that it’s a huge element of our systematic exploitation and has been
for a very long time and I last touched on the concept in an essay relating
to hens. Much time and investment goes into maximising the use that can be
made of all our victims while minimising the outlay needed to keep them
alive until they are ‘spent’ or broken.
Sheep were first domesticated during the period 10,000 – 8,000 BC in
Mesopotamia, an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean. Remains
of domesticated sheep dating back to 5,000 BC have been found there, while
the earliest woven wool garments have been dated back to about 4,000 BC.
So there’s the first thing. We frequently hear that ‘it’s always been this
way’. It hasn’t.
So domestication of sheep, like every other species we have forced into servitude, happened in the extremely recent past in evolutionary terms. Basically it’s a new idea.
The ancestor of modern sheep – the mouflon
Wild sheep looked different from their modern descendants: they had a
shorter, coarser fleece and the wool colours were often pigmented. These
sheep could not be shorn; instead the wool was plucked by hand.
It is believed that the selective breeding for wooly sheep began around
6,000 BC while efforts to obtain white-fleeced sheep began in Mesopotamia
around 3,000 BC. By 600 BC, sheep with characteristics similar to the modern
breeds were widespread throughout Western Asia. Selective breeding started
very early in the history of our use and continues to this day as we select
for the characteristics from which most profit may be made.
Selective breeding for a global industry
From 476-1453 AD, wool trading flourished in Europe. A fine-wool breed that
later became known as ‘merino’ was introduced in the 12th century.
The breed specifics a jealously guarded secret, at one time selling these
sheep outside the Spanish empire was a crime punishable by death. However as
the empire began to decline, some of these highly prized creatures were
gifted to a number of european provinces. Sheep were taken to America in
1492. The Dutch acclimated their gifted Spanish sheep to their South African
colonies and from there, several Cape Fat Tail sheep were sold in 1788 to
voyagers on their way to Australia.
By 1800, sheep whose bodies grew fine Spanish wool or the coarser British
wool had spread across the globe. In response to the burgeoning trade that
resulted, Australian wool pioneer John Macarthur successfully lobbied
England as early as 1803 to promote and encourage selective breeding in
Australia. Today, with a flock estimated at some 70 million individuals,
Australia remains the number one wool producer in the world, supplying
approximately 25% of the global market. This is followed by China at 18%,
USA at 17%, and New Zealand at 11%.
Selection for economically important traits like wool type has resulted in
more than 200 distinct breeds of sheep. Some breeds only have hair, some
wool and some both. Many – if not most – breeds are multi-functional from a
profitable perspective. This means that after an existence being exploited
for their wool, their reproductive potential and their breast milk, they are
ultimately slaughtered for their dead flesh.
Thus it is another pure fantasy to imagine that sheep ‘aren’t killed’ for
their wool. All sheep are brought into the world to be used to death by
whatever means, with the aim of generating as much profit for as little
outlay as possible.
Of course meddling with nature – which is essentially what selective
breeding does – can throw all sorts of metaphorical spanners into the works.
An example of this is seen in the case of cat and dog breeds selectively
chosen to have the ‘flat’ (brachycephalic) faces that are deemed by some to
be aesthetically pleasing. Many of these individuals are now known to be
suffering from a range of health problems, leading to lifelong suffering as
a direct result of being ‘designed’ for humans. Breathing problems, eye
inflammation, skin infections and difficulty eating are just some of the
issues that are being deliberately risked and inflicted, and all for the
sake of appearance and the consequent high sums of money that can be made
from breeding and selling them.
Routine mutilation
While certain characteristics can be selectively bred at the gene level,
there are consequences affecting many of them, consequences that an
unscrupulous species such as our own does not hesitate to tackle with a
‘hands-on’ approach – surgical mutilation without anaesthesia. Of course
this is invariably presented with the same bucolic sheen as shearing, while
being given official-sounding names and being ‘justified’ as a practical
Now some individuals and groups will go on to claim that performing
procedures without anaesthesia does not cause sheep pain, since they don’t
cry out in agony. However, the sheep is a species that is naturally preyed
upon. Like chickens and many other ‘prey’ species, their behaviour has
evolved to evade detection and capture by predators. When sheep feel pain,
or life-threatening danger, they won’t cry out but rather, they remain
silent, so as not to attract further predators.
So, what sort of ‘procedures’ are we talking about?
And let’s not forget the shearing procedure itself. Having witnessed this
being done at first hand many times, it is not a gentle process even when
observing every guideline in the book. Sheep are recognised to be easily
frightened, stressed or injured and are rightly wary of humans. For them
all, it is extremely traumatic to be tipped onto their backs and held down,
subjected to the noise and chatter of hard-handed strangers making
themselves heard over the buzz of electric clippers or the clack of
hand-held clippers. Many sheep struggle in panic with horrific consequences
and I have witnessed many cut and bleeding creatures flee back to their
comrades in wide-eyed and abject terror once released. To minimise risk to
humans, it is not uncommon in some places for sheep to be deprived of food
and water in the period leading up to their ordeal, in order to weaken their
ability to resist.
If you find this difficult to imagine, and you are someone who shares their
home with a dog or a cat, you will surely know the panic that would ensue if
one of our beloved nonhuman family members were to be thrust into a similar
situation. It pains us to even consider the fear they would experience.
So here we are. The wool industry. A far-from-natural, lucrative sideline to
the final atrocity of the slaughterhouse; an elaborately manufactured system
of exploitation where defenceless individuals have been selectively bred for
characteristics that make money for humans, while being forced to submit to
brutal and intrusive interference in every aspect of their lives; a
catalogue of horrors worthy of Frankenstein.
The fruit of the poisonous tree
Often, at this stage, a reader may shrug. ‘This situation is what it is,’
the shrug says. ‘We just have to live with it.’ ‘They have to be sheared for
their own good.’ This is missing a huge point. As a species, we created this
situation. The circumstances that led to the current state of affairs is
entirely artificial and is of our own making.
Some time ago I was fascinated by an article published by the advocacy and
education site Free From Harm, by the renowned animal rights lawyer, Sherry
F. Colb who is Professor of Law and Charles Evans Hughes Scholar at Cornell
University Law School, where she teaches courses in animal rights, evidence,
and criminal procedure. The article was entitled ‘The milk of the poisonous
tree‘ and examined the applicability of the legal concept ‘The fruit of the
poisonous tree’ to our use of bovine breast milk which we know by the
misleadingly innocuous name, ‘dairy‘.
Professor Colb explains ‘the fruit of the poisonous tree’ to signify that if
someone has committed a wrong in acquiring some product, it is as wrongful
to utilise and enjoy the ‘benefits’ of that product as it was wrongful to
commit the harm that resulted in the product’s acquisition in the first
place. In other words, one becomes an accomplice in the initial wrongdoing
by taking the fruits of that wrongdoing and making use of them.
Even for those who refuse to acknowledge that the absence of necessity
for our actions, along with the scientifically proven sentience of our
victims, means that we are honour bound not to harm them, I have always felt
that the ‘laying eggs anyway’, ‘the wool needs sheared anyway’, and even
‘the animals are dead anyway so we may as well eat them’ excuses all fall
into that category.
Applying the concept of ‘the fruit of the poisonous tree’, by taking and
using the results of the breathtaking wrongs committed against our sheep
victims, we become complicit in the initial crime; an accessory to the
needless slaughter of 567,720,576 individuals in 2017 alone. However we view
it, the idea that wool is a victimless ‘resource’ just could not be more
‘So what are we supposed to do? Just let them suffer?’
Like a cracked record, I repeatedly say that the world won’t go vegan
overnight. A common assertion is that many breeds will become extinct in a
vegan world and this is said as if that were a bad thing. Make no mistake,
the almost inevitable extinction of the pitiable, Frankensteinian creations
of our unspeakably self-obsessed species is a totally different issue from
the extinction of those wild creatures who were quietly minding their own
business in the aeons before we came along, and whose habitat we are
continuing to lay waste as our planet enters its death throes and we
remorselessly drive the Sixth Mass Extinction.
So when we talk of extinction for the grotesquely mutated victims of our
deluded species, how can this possibly be a bad thing – if indeed we survive
as a species to change our ways? In a way, such extinction, allowing these
defenceless innocents to escape the obscene torment of bodies we have
created to serve our interests at the expense of their own, would be the
only really humane thing we have ever done for them.
Be vegan.