Factory Farm Awareness Coalition Presentations
A Meat and Diary Industries Article from All-Creatures.org

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves. As we continue to disregard the value of the lives of the billions of animals we eat, we also are destroying our air, land and water.


Factory Farm Awareness Coalition (FFAC)
April 2014

Factory Farming Awareness Coalition presentations...

Every meal we eat can be a powerful form of activism...

The Factory Farming Awareness Coalition is an educational non-profit committed to empowering people to help save animals, the environment, and our own health through our daily food choices. FFAC gives presentations about factory farming to schools, community groups, churches/synagogues, and businesses and non-profits. FFAC also makes our presentation available as a resource to anyone anywhere in the world who would like to use it as an educational tool. To schedule a presentation, or learn how to give your own, e-mail us at  [email protected]

factory farming

The Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, formerly known as the Coalition to Fight Factory Farming, was founded by Katie Cantrell in 2010 in Berkeley, California.

We are an educational non-profit committed to empowering people to save the environment, animals, and our own health through our daily food choices.

Our presentation has been used as a resource by activists from coast to coast, and we currently have 20 trained presenters in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Much of the presentation is based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Eating Animals. His book inspired Katie to create a presentation that encompasses the wide range of interconnected issues affected by industrial agriculture.

By exposing people to the true impacts of factory farmed products, we seek to spread awareness and empower the public to make informed, conscious food choices. Every meal we eat can be a powerful form of activism.

To schedule a presentation, or learn how to give your own, e-mail us at  [email protected]

If you were asked to name a single industry that was one of the leading causes of climate change, water pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion, what would you guess? Perhaps the oil and gas industry?

The answer is the animal agribusiness industry. This might seem shocking to a lot of people, especially if you look around at the products at the grocery store. How could Old MacDonald be destroying the environment?

There are currently 9 billion animals raised and killed for food every year in the U.S., 99% of them on factory farms. All of those animals are eating, burping, and pooping. And that’s where the environmental issues come in. They’re eating GMO soy and corn grown on deforested land, farting and burping greenhouse gases 200x worse for the climate than CO2, and pooping millions of tons of manure that leeches into local waterways.

But there’s good news! Our food choices have a tremendous environmental impact. That’s why this Earth Day, FFAC set out to talk to people about how changing our eating habits is one of the easiest & most delicious ways to go green(er).

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Animal Slaughter Kill Counter:

Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.

0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids