Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
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[Ed. Note: Also read Taking A Stand for Animals and Against the Evil Fable] (07:58) What does Whole Foods' surreal Best Butcher Contest have to do with HSUS and the future of animal advocacy? And why are activists increasingly being pressured to unite behind industry-advocacy collaborations? In this new video essay and special report from HumaneMyth, learn how a handful of people running large organizations are engaging in extreme conflicts of interest that are taking industry co-option of the animal advocacy movement to a whole new level.
NOTE from Humane Myth: The original version of this video essay and special report (posted 9/25/12) indicated that Whole Foods is the 2nd largest meat retailer in the U.S. Questions have arisen about Whole Foods' exact rank among the largest meat retailers, so as of 9/26/12 the video and the report now simply state that Whole Foods is one of the largest meat retailers in the U.S.
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