Being with the times rather than ahead of one’s time supports the status quo. And when we open ourselves to the ever-increasing abuse generated by the political, economic, and biological status quo and the ever-worsening consequences, we cannot tolerate the status quo.
Spring 2019, PERSONS Newsletter (PDF)
Dear Friends,
Attached is the just-out spring 2019 issue of Persons, The Newsletter of
Responsible Policies for Animals. I hope you will find it informative
and that you'll be encouraged that RPA persists in promoting equal rights of
all animals the way rights of new groups of persons become established.
Below is a letter sent to RPA members who receive Persons by mail,
requesting support. Thanks for anything you can do.
All best wishes,
David Cantor
Founder & Director
Responsible Policies for Animals
Ahead of Our Time
June 2019
Dear Friend,
Through thirty years of full-time advocacy aimed at reducing animal abuse
and the human misery it generates, many people have told me, “You’re ahead
of your time.”
That’s the voice of complacency saying, I don’t want to engage politically
to establish justice; I don’t want to change my own lifeway or practice to
do less harm; I don’t want to hear the enormous scope and intensity of
animal abuse, my part in it, or that animal abuse and not human nature
causes nearly all human misery.
Being with the times rather than ahead of one’s time supports the status
quo. And when we open ourselves to the ever-increasing abuse generated
by the political, economic, and biological status quo and the ever-worsening
consequences, we cannot tolerate the status quo.
A recent book explains how all big-name charity and philanthropy supports
the status quo because big donors wish to ease their conscience without
creating meaningful change which could diminish their status, power, and
influence or deny them indulgence and profligacy to which they feel
The author explains that only radical causes which get little support and
are denied a voice in public discourse are worth supporting if we truly wish
to alter the forces that perpetuate injustice, abuse, and their far-reaching
harm to the lives of human beings and other animals.
That’s why I appreciate your support of Responsible Policies for Animals.
It doesn’t cost a lot to tell the truth as RPA tells it. And RPA has
no paid staff or directors, so we don’t grind up millions of trees to send
appeals for funds. But we must reach ever more people who determine
what people think – to show them the harm they do by covering up the
component of animal abuse in all of civilization’s endeavors and by
perpetuating speciesism and human supremacy.
Thank you for whatever you are able to donate at this time. I hope the
enclosed issue of Persons and any visit you may make to
will show you that RPA is on the right track – and the huge amount that
remains to be done. For those who know I’m not young like when I
became a full-time animal advocate, be assured that I am in excellent health
and plan to work to age 90. Keep supporting RPA – keep ahead of your
Thank you and best wishes!
David Cantor
Founder & Director, RPA
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