It is essential to pay attention to the plight of nonhumans and humans... Caring for other species is caring for our own.
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"One Health recognizes that the health of people is connected to the
health of animals and the environment. It is a collaborative,
multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local,
regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving
optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between
people, animals, plants, and their shared environment."
"You can never be too kind." —Told to me by Shannon, a 7-year old,
On World Kindness Day Let's Expand Our Compassion Footprint
December 10 is International Animal Rights Day. Its goal "is to
build on the recognition of human rights, and persuade humanity that
kindness and respect is due to all sentient creatures." Some people
criticize those who work on behalf of nonhuman animals (animals) by
asking something like, "How dare you work with nonhumans when so
many humans need help?" I always say that the life of every
individual matters, and in today's challenging world the only way
forward is to pay careful attention to the plight of nonhuman
animals, human animals, and their homes.
The University of Denver's Dr. Sarah Bexell continues to be a leader
and strong advocate for the One Health approach that is a way of
looking at the world that helps humans to see and acknowledge that
humans, other species, and the natural environment (the three
pillars of One Health) are completely and perfectly interlinked.
(See also "One Welfare: Ways to Improve Animal and Human Well-Being"
for an interview with veterinarian Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos who
edited a book called One Welfare: A Framework to Improve Animal
Welfare and Human Well-being.)
I've always been interested in Dr. Bexell's work and also that of
the collaborative and multidisciplinary One Health Initiative, so I
was pleased she could answer a few questions in her otherwise
over-busy day. Our interview went as follows.
Marc: Please tell us about your long-term work on giant panda conservation
and humane education in China and why you decided to devote so many
years to this work.
I had the rare and incredible opportunity to go to China in 1999 to
study giant panda behavior for five months. The organization that
hosted this long-term research by one of my colleagues did not have
education interventions or a department established, but they wanted
to. The following year, they invited me back and with my colleagues
we developed the first conservation education department for
wildlife conservation in China. Over the past 19 years, our networks
have grown while unreasonable demands from humans on the natural
world have intensified. We are now evolving toward the more
comprehensive form of educational intervention, humane education.
Marc: How does your work in China, at the Institute for Human-Animal
Connection at the University of Denver's Graduate School of Social
Work, and with the Institute for Humane Education follow from your
own education and professional background?
My academic background is untraditional. I didn't stay with any one
discipline and while it has brought challenges to my career goals, I
wouldn't change my learning experiences if I had it to do all over
again. I started with a BA in biology and environmental studies and
went on for a MA in biological anthropology where I was introduced
(to my horror) to mass human-induced endangerment and the extinction
of other species. It was then that I left my dream of being a
wildlife biologist because I felt driven to be a voice of reason and
respect for the protection of other species and nature. I went on to
get a M.Ed. in science education and finally a Ph.D. in early
childhood education. I felt strongly that reaching young children
before their morals, ethics and behavior patterns had been
instilled, was critical in the fight to save other species and the
natural world, which allows for the survival of our own species. I
feel so lucky to say that all my work today is a really nice
reflection of this untraditional academic path and work experience.
Marc: People often criticize those who work on behalf of nonhuman animals
(animals) because there is so much human suffering. Why do you think
it's important to pay careful attention both to animal well-being
and the state of nature and how does this help humans?
We now live within the Sixth Mass Extinction, the prior five
extinctions happened before Homo sapiens even arrived on the scene.
This mass extinction event is being caused by one species, and that
is ours. The survival of our species rests solely on the ability of
the natural world to support us and we are racing ever closer to a
state of the planet that will be inhospitable to our species.
Therefore, it is impossible to protect human rights, well-being and
even survival without protecting wild plants and animals whose
activities provide what scientists call, ecosystem services -
cleaning of our air and water, maintenance of healthy soil,
pollination and seed dispersal, and buffering of natural disasters
(to name a very few). It is critical to note that Earth and our
health and well-being would be better served if we humanely stop
breeding domesticated species who, just like humans in our current
behavioral form, do not offer much if anything healthy back to the
natural environment. In fact, it is humans and domesticated animals
who are driving all Earth's environmental ills. We need to treat
every domesticated individual with respect and compassion and let
them live out their lives, but not breed them anymore so that they
go extinct with dignity and grace. A thought exercise I do with my
students is to ask them about what humans and domesticated species
give to the natural environment and to list both positive and
negative things. You can give it a try.
Marc: Can you please explain the importance of the One Health approach to
education, intervention, and how a person should interact in the
world especially when they are able to help others.
The One Health approach is a way of looking at the world that helps
humans to see and acknowledge that humans, other species, and the
natural environment are completely interlinked. If we harm one of
these three pillars, all three are harmed. On the positive and
hopeful side, when we work to protect one pillar, all have a better
chance of positive outcomes and surviving. An example that often
helps my students centers on the use of pesticides. Everyone knows
that pesticides kill insects and other pests that we would prefer
not to share our food with (harm to animals). However, we also know
that pesticides are very harmful to human health and that pesticides
leach into soils and water, creating an environmental impact that
harms even more species that depend on those environments. On the
flip and more hopeful side, humans survived for most of their time
on Earth without pesticides and learned how to grow food utilizing
biological control or sometimes called integrated pest management.
We still have this knowledge and can work toward a greatly limited
use of harmful chemicals, to someday, not using them at all. In
concert with these efforts, we will need to work humanely and
lovingly toward stabilizing and decreasing our population.
Marc: Are you hopeful that the future will be brighter for nonhuman and
human animals?
My mood depends highly on the day that you ask me, but sadly, on
most days I am not very hopeful. But on the bright side, my students
give me hope and my colleagues give me hope. We are in some ways a
very brilliant species, but also a very greedy, short-sighted, and
cruel species. I hope someday soon humans can remember how good it
feels to share and to enjoy the company (not through a device!) of
other people, other species, and the natural world. Humans like to
feel good, so if we can practice this sharing which results in
feeling good, maybe people will have less appetitefor rampant
consumerism that is one of the main drivers of environmental
destruction and species loss.
Marc: What are some your current and future projects?
Most of my time is dedicated to teaching and I absolutely love my
job. At the University of Denver, I teach in a graduate-level
concentration we call Sustainable Development and Global Practice
and at the Institute for Humane Education, I teach animal
protection. At the Institute For Human-Animal Connection, I direct
and teach a graduate certificate called Raising Compassionate Kids:
Humane Education & Interventions for Early Learners. My students are
amazing and working hard to create a more humane human presence on
Earth and they give me hope. Another current project is a research
program of the Institute for Human-Animal Connection into the State
of Humane Education in the United States in partnership with the
Humane Education Coalition. I also have a couple of book projects in
the works, including some for children!
Marc: Is there anything else you'd like to tell readers?
Allow yourself to love everyone, and I mean individuals of all
species, including our own, and this amazing and fascinating planet
we call home.
Marc: We're just one of the gang and being kind to all is the decent and
respectful path to follow
"...our findings strongly suggest that humans’ views about human
rights and animal rights are tightly linked." —Yon Soo Park &
Benjamin Valentino, Animals Are People Too: Explaining Variation in
Respect for Animal Rights
“Caring for nonhumans, for their own sake, does not preclude caring
for humans. Humans are more than capable of caring for many more
than one kind of thing. Reasoning to the contrary might also be used
to support the belief that honoring one's ethnicity is fundamentally
incompatible with racial equality. These considerations indicate
that nothing is inherently misanthropic about being
non-anthropocentric.” —John Vucetich et al. 2015, cited in Treves et
al. 2019, Just Preservation.
It's difficult for me to imagine that there is a more viable and
hopeful way to move into the future in an increasingly
human-dominated world than one that helps humans to appreciate and
acknowledge that humans, other species, and the natural environment
are inextricably linked.
I hope that as time moves on more and more people globally will
adopt this collaborative and multidisciplinary approach that works
locally, nationally, and globally and accept that we humans are just
one of the gang, and we must all work together for a better future
for all beings and their homes. It's not necessarily only a matter
of rights, but rather, it's the decent and respectful thing to do.