This paper clearly shows that fishes are far more than mere edible streams of protein who don't mind being cooped up in a small barren aquarium.
There's a lot going on beneath the surface that has major effects on
fishes, other animals, and ecosystems.
I recently read a fascinating and important research essay by Université
Toulouse III Paul Sabatier's Dr. Lisa Jacquin and her colleagues published
in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution called "Effects of Pollution
on Fish Behavior, Personality, and Cognition: Some Research Perspectives."
It's well known that fishes are highly diverse sentient and intelligent beings who also display various complex personalities and large individual differences in how they respond to stress. This paper clearly shows that fishes are far more than mere edible streams of protein who don't mind being cooped up in a small barren aquarium.
The essay is available online for free, so here are a few snippets to whet your appetite for more.....
Read ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE - PDF: Pollution Affects the Personality and Cognition of Fishes
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