The Fur Industry Is Getting Desperate and It Shows
An Animal Rights Article from

July 2019

Proposed fur bans in New York City and California are signaling the beginning of the end for the exploitative fur trade.

fur cruelty
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals

Proposed bans in New York City and California are signaling the beginning of the end for the exploitative fur trade. In a last-ditch effort, the industry is paying people to support fashion’s cruelest practice.

The fur industry is having an existential crisis. What started as a discussion over the ethics of caging and skinning wild animals is now a debate about the cultural identity of different religious and ethnic groups.

It’s a little odd, to say the least, that a debate over animal lives has come to this. Is the industry forcing the issue, or has their defensible turf been diminished so much that they have to resort to supporting arguments that disregard animals entirely?

For members of the African American, Orthodox Jewish, and Native American communities, going fur-free means sacrificing a bit of tradition, albeit one that’s easily replaced by an animal-free alternative.

But while more and more fur bans inch closer to law, opponents are raising unexpected questions about the implications of banning fur – and they’re being paid for it.

At a hearing in Sacramento last week, opponents of the proposed fur ban in California, AB 44, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a pivotal sixth hearing for the bill.

Several of the fur ban opponents who regularly appeared at AB 44 hearings to bash the bill received money in exchange for their testimonies, according to a report by The Intercept.

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