In a long-awaited victory for animal rights, the USDA has revoked a notorious circus owner’s license to exhibit animals, and an African elephant who suffered at his hands for decades will spend the rest of her life in the comfort and safety of The Elephant Sanctuary.
A safe and happy Nosey at
The Elephant
In a long-awaited victory for animal rights, the USDA has revoked a
notorious circus owner’s license to exhibit animals, and an African elephant
who suffered at his hands for decades will spend the rest of her life in the
comfort and safety of a loving sanctuary.
Hugo Liebel, the owner of Great American Family Circus, acquired Nosey the
elephant in 1988. For nearly 30 years, Liebel and his wife Franciszka forced
her to perform unnatural circus tricks and give rides. Nosey endured
horrific abuse, including being routinely stricken with a bullhook,
electro-shocked, and chained so tightly she was unable to move. She lived in
her own feces and went without proper food, water, or shelter. Her anguish
was so evident, she was dubbed “the saddest elephant in the world.”
Over the years, Liebel accumulated nearly 200 USDA citations for welfare
violations against Nosey and other animals, including primates, cows, goats,
and dogs. His offenses ranged from failing to provide basic veterinary care
to excessive urine and feces in enclosures, improperly stored food
containing rodent droppings, painfully restraining animals, and malnourished
and sick animals.
For years, animal rights activists and organizations worked tirelessly to
expose the Liebels’ cruelty. Meanwhile, the couple continued exploiting
Nosey, even after she showed obvious signs of chronic pain, like visibly
limping during performances.
Finally, in late 2017, an Alabama judge ordered the seizure of Nosey from
the Liebels’ custody. She was relocated to The Elephant Sanctuary in
Hohenwald, Tennessee. Veterinarians who examined Nosey upon her arrival
diagnosed her as malnourished, dehydrated, and with skin and urinary tract
infections, arthritis, and intestinal parasites.
On October 9, a USDA judge determined that Liebel is unfit for an AWA
license and revoked his right to own, sell, or exhibit animals.
Nosey will remain at The Elephant Sanctuary, where she has access to medical
care, nourishment, and shelter, including a heated barn and a large natural
habitat that she shares with other elephants who were rescued from circuses
and zoos.