Great news for Nosey and all those who care about her
An Animal Rights Article from

FROM Bryan Monell
July 2019

Nosey was removed from Liebel’s care in November of 2017 and placed at the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald.

Elephant Nosey
Nosey with former 'owner' Hugo Libel as she was forced to 'give elephant rides'...

The USDA has informed the Alabama man who exhibited Nosey the Elephant of plans to terminate the license that allowed him to have the animal. Elephant exhibitor Hugo Libel has been told that the government wants to yank his federal license.

Nosey was removed from Liebel’s care in November of 2017 and placed at the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald.

Elephant Nosey
Nosey at The Elephant Sanctuary, May 2018

Trial testimony showed that Nosey arrived at the sanctuary suffering from a long-standing condition of overgrown, scaly, dry, and cracked skin called hyperkeratosis, as well as a bacterial skin infection, a urinary tract infection, intestinal parasites, osteoarthritis, and muscle atrophy. She also appeared to have a nearly empty gastrointestinal tract and showed signs of dehydration.

In January, following a 10-hour hearing, the Lawrence County, Alabama District Court issued an order that allowed Nosey to remain at the sanctuary with the county animal control officer’s permission.

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