Ecosocialists view animal rights as the third rail of climate politics. The opposite is true.
"It’s not just domestic animals that are a point of contention
within the climate movement," writes Martindale. (Photo: Michael
Setboun/Getty Images)
Tackling climate change will remake the world. Everything is on the table: not only our energy sources but how we travel, where we work, what we eat.
As Naomi Klein argues in This Changes Everything, the sheer scope
creates an opportunity to unite the left’s movements. But there’s
one movement Klein—and most ecosocialists—leaves out: animal
For many on the left, even those sympathetic, animal advocacy simply
isn’t a high priority. But if the climate left does not start
engaging seriously with animal politics, we will be caught
flat-footed in some of the most important debates of the coming
decades. Two dilemmas will inevitably arise: first, in confronting
the meat question, and second, in wildlife conservation: the
potential conflicts between climate action and endangered species,
climate impacts on biodiversity, and the role of protecting and
restoring habitat in sequestering carbon.
The pandemic illustrates the consequences of sidelining these issues. Most infectious diseases, COVID-19 among them, first reach humans through contact with other animals; habitat disruption and animal farming thus play key roles in the spread and mutation of disease....
Dayton Martindale is a writer and founding member of the Democratic Socialists of America Animal Liberation Working Group. His work has appeared in In These Times, Earth Island Journal, Boston Review, Harbinger and The Next System Project. Follow him on Twitter: @DaytonRMartind.